NEW YORK (PNN) - June 6, 2016 - Republican frontrunner presidential candidate Donald Trump said he thinks the jobless rate is close to 20% and not the roughly 5% reported by the Amerikan Gestapo Department of Labor division. Anyone who buys the 5% figure is a “dummy,” according to Trump. Good for Trump.
The jobless numbers are actually part of a much larger mainstream “conspiracy” that goes to the heart of the way economies work in 21st Century Amerika.
There are something like 100 million Amerikans not working, including older people and young people. That’s a fairly well accepted statistic.
These people are not counted in the jobless figures though in fact they may want to work.
They may be working as a matter of fact. It is impossible to tell because they probably work in the gray or black economy.
The gray or black economy in the Fascist Police States of Amerika is very large because of invasive taxation and heavy-handed regulation.
The employment data are complex. The average layperson with little or no economic background is likely to find them confusing.
It is true that many people have been unhappy with this recovery. While there are lots of boom towns and growth is strong in many industries, they are not evenly distributed throughout the country. That is the nature of slow recoveries from credit crises.
The economy itself is distorted by judicial decisions implemented by force.
These decisions include giving corporations “corporate personhood” that allow the controllers of corporations to hide behind a legal shield.
Then there is the growth of intellectual property rights that brings the force of the State to bear on behalf of inventors.
These inventors don’t have to protect their own creations. The State will do it for them.
Finally, there is a monopoly on central banking. Great surges of fiat money empower the largest corporations while causing cyclical recessions and depressions.
The idea that the FPSA - or other countries in the West - have anything approaching a free market is contradicted by these broad judicial decisions.
What would a real free-market economy look like?
It would be one where corporate leaders are personally responsible for the behavior of their companies.
It would be one where intellectual property rights would be enforced by individuals rather than the State - if they could be enforced at all.
It would be one that ran on private money, not fiat debt notes printed by monopoly central banks.
Allow the marketplace to function as it should rather than as the State requires, and people would likely find opportunity as they wished within far more vibrant, local circumstances.
The current system creates fabulous, multinational corporations employing hundreds of thousands of people to build often-useless consumer items - then laying them off as “business” warrants.
In a real economy, most enterprises would be far smaller and less ambitious. Size would be achieved by partnerships and not formal corporate structures. Goods and services would be more necessary and less fanciful.
Employment might be not be an issue given that people would be working for themselves or for local enterprises.
It is the force of the State that creates the overwhelming bigness of multinationals - to the detriment of smaller corporations and entrepreneurs. That’s the real employment conspiracy.