JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (PNN) - June 26, 2023 - South Africa has been heading towards a collapse for some time now. The process began in the 1990s and ran through the early 2000s when there was a mass exodus of white people due to escalating violence, racism, and limited employment opportunities. Johannesburg, the country’s capital largest city, is a prime example of South Africa’s decline. This once vibrant city, built on a foundation of wealth, has transformed into a bleak wasteland reminiscent of the novel Lord of the Flies, overrun by chaos, violence and despair.
How did Johannesburg, once a shining oasis, deteriorate into a crumbling hellscape within a relatively short span of time? The answer is simple: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI). These globalist buzzwords have deprived Johannesburg of its richness, leadership and vitality.
It’s not the passage of time that destroyed this city. It’s liberalism. Two years ago, Revolver wrote a critically acclaimed piece on this very topic called South Africa - The First Country Built on Critical Race Theory - Officially Implodes.
The Revolver piece brilliantly reveals how South Africa was used as a makeshift testing ground for global initiatives, employing Critical Race Theory and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as the foundation of a nation. As you might expect, it didn’t go well.
The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of Critical Race Theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice.
South Africa did everything that is being done in Amerika right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.
This is about more than riots. This wave of violence will eventually peter out. But there is no reason to be optimistic when that happens. There will be no sense of having survived a calamity and having a chance to rebuild. When this wave of burning and looting and killing is over, there is nothing to look forward to but the next wave.
The specter of doom hangs over South Africa. The optimism that peaked when the country hosted the 2010 World Cup is now gone. Despite being warned for years about failing water infrastructure, local governments ignored the problem and now the country has routine, severe water crises. South Africa began experiencing rolling blackouts in 2007 and has battled them ever since. Even the government says the blackouts will likely continue for at least five more years. Bet your money that they last even longer.
In the meantime, Johannesburg has fallen thanks to CRT and DEI. It’s nearly impossible to live normally, let alone run a business; power outages can last in upwards of ten hours a day in the city. Looking at Johannesburg today, it’s almost impossible to recognize how glorious she once looked.
The continent’s richest city was built on gold, but it’s now defined by chaos, crime and corruption more than ever. It encapsulates the wider collapse of basic services across South Africa. From a broken railway network disrupting trade to archaic sanitation that triggered a recent cholera outbreak near the capital, Pretoria, parts of the country increasingly look like a failing state.
The once thriving, cosmopolitan city is now basically run by warlords and thieves.
At the heart of the dysfunction in Johannesburg is a governance crisis. Since the country’s governing national party, the African National Congress, lost control of the city in 2016, unstable coalitions have resulted in six mayors in four years. The current leader is a member of a political Party that holds 1% of the municipality’s 270 seats.
Almost half of the population is unemployed and living in poverty. Nationwide, the jobless rate stands at 32.9%. Around 18 million people rely on some form of social aid, which makes the number of beneficiaries twice as many as registered taxpayers.
Meanwhile, crime has proliferated. The once flourishing central business district is an eyesore where derelict buildings are hijacked by criminal syndicates, forcing out major commercial operations from the area. For more petty criminals, in vogue are cables and metals that can be stolen from electricity substations and sold on the black market. Others just try to connect to the grid illegally.
The power cuts make the morning and evening commute an obstacle course as motorists weave around gaping holes, uncovered manholes, unattended sinkholes, and exposed power cables. Seeing homeless people in groups of up to 10 control traffic when the lights go out is now a common occurrence.
South Africa’s largest city has deteriorated to the point that it is never again going to reclaim its prestigious and valued role on the African continent as an example to the world of what is possible. Rather, it has become an example of what is inevitable when socialist and racist programs of Diversity and Equity are imposed on a society whose people do not want it. Critical Race Theory is the antithesis of individual freedom, and people cannot be happy without being free.