Election 2014
The real election winner is weed!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - November 5, 2014 - If Washington D.C.’s newly legalized ‘grow and give’ pot law works, it could be the turning point for marijuana legislation in the U.S.
Four places in Amerika just made pot legal, but D.C. is the one to watch.
Republican House wins could be biggest since 1920s!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - November 5, 2014 - Republicans captured at least a dozen seats and built their majority in the Fascist Police States of Amerika House of Representatives to its highest level in decades in Tuesday’s midterm election, with results topping Party expectations.
Republican governors fought labor unions and lived to tell the tale!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - November 5, 2014 - While the Republican reconquest of the Senate was widely anticipated, things had seemed a little shakier for certain Republican gubernatorial candidates in the run-up to the election. The Senate candidates were expected to ride a wave of anti-Obama sentiment to Washington, D.C., but back in the states, Republican politicians who challenged the powerful labor coalition could have been in trouble.
North Carolina voters report machines switching their votes to GOP candidate!
GREENSBORO, North Carolina (PNN) - November 2, 2014 - A voter in Guilford County, attempting to take advantage of early voting in North Carolina, SAID that the voting machine he used repeatedly switched his vote for a Democrat to a vote for her Republican opponent.
More voting machines are showing up as rigged for Democrats!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - October 29, 2014 - A number of voting machines in Maryland and Illinois are electronically switching Republican votes to the Democrats, raising suspicions that fraud could be at the root of the alleged malfunction.
Democrat senator's husband steals GOP candidate signs!
Arrest warrant issued after brazen act caught on video.
MIDDLETOWN, Delaware (PNN) - October 29, 2014 - Terrorist pig thug cops in Middletown, Delaware, say the husband of Democrat state Senator Bethany Hall-Long is the man seen on video stealing dozens of Republican campaign signs.
GOP gubernatorial candidate has family ties to organized crime!
PHOENIX, Arizona (PNN) - October 26, 2014 - Doug Ducey, the Republican candidate for governor of Arizona in November’s election, hails from a family that for two generations was involved in organized crime in Toledo, Ohio, according to a report by The Center for Investigative Reporting and Phoenix New Times.
- The real election winner is weed!
- Republican House wins could be biggest since 1920s!
- Republican governors fought labor unions and lived to tell the tale!
- North Carolina voters report machines switching their votes to GOP candidate!
- More voting machines are showing up as rigged for Democrats!
- Democrat senator's husband steals GOP candidate signs!
- GOP gubernatorial candidate has family ties to organized crime!
- Senate candidate Amanda Swafford wants to eliminate all federal taxes!
- Candidate votes Republican but machine changes his vote to Democrat!
- Ron Paul offers support for son Rand presidential run!
- 297 Congressmen earmarked $3.8 billion for organizations tied to family members!
- Democrats blast Michelle Obama for leaving them in the lurch!
- Republican Senate chances rise to 60 percent!
- Lawsuit filed challenging election laws that favor major party candidates!
- Libertarian Sean Haugh running for Senate in North Carolina!
- Study finds 6.9 million duplicate voters!
- McDaniel supporters barred from reviewing voter rolls in nine Mississippi counties!
- Public faith in Congress falls again to historic low!
- McDaniel opens 12-point lead over Cochran!
- “None of the above” tops Nevada Democrat gubernatorial primary!
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“Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”
— Fredric Bastiat (1801-1850)