Will the Lone Star State secede?

Super Tuesday may allow voters to reassert Texas as an independent nation.

AUSTIN, Texas (PNN) - September 17, 2015 - The question of secession on a ballot is an important one. Secession might make a powerful statement to voice defiance against government tyranny, but it could also set off sparks.

Now it appears that the biggest and most independent-minded state in the Union might test that question. What happens after that is anyone’s guess.

Aside from voting for whatever politician happens to be the flavor of the month, the Republican voters of Texas may have an additional question to answer when Super Tuesday arrives next year. If the Texas Nationalist Movement has its way, then the Republican primary ballot may have to ask voters to decide whether or not they think “the state of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation” and secede from the Fascist Police States of Amerika.

Much to the chagrin of the Republican Party, the Texas independence group is currently gathering signatures for a petition that would place their non-binding question on the ballot. According to the Texas Secretary of State, they will need at least 66,894 signatures, though the organization is shooting for 75,000.

Historically, the Republican Party would have the final say on what goes on their ballot, and they’ve tried to distance themselves from the Texas Nationalist Movement in the past. If the petition succeeds, it would be the first time that an outside group has their referendum placed on the Republican ballot. The group’s president hopes that the vote will get state legislators to take the issue seriously.

“Texas and Washington, D.C. are on very different paths, and the people of Texas obviously recognize that. The Texas Nationalist Movement message has been one not of reaction to grievance but one of a future we can build as an independent nation,” said the group’s president.

Secession, a formal declaration of independence, is by tradition the right of every Texan and Amerikan, and the federal government has doubtlessly crossed the line too many times to count. Fed up Amerikans are looking for ways to voice their anger, and Texans have a notoriously short fuse, a history of independence, and tendencies to secede. But the powers that be may have also fueled a trap on sovereignty. What is shirked at the federal level may be accepted at the international level.

The bankers and social engineers are practiced at ruling by divide and conquer to avoid personally confronting pitchforks and angry townspeople. There is a plan underway, which has already been exposed, known as the North American Union. Sponsored by Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs and organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the agenda is creating a globalized world that will use immigration to upend politics, shift demographics, supply corporate labor, and fracture society.

Like NAFTA before it, the plan will destroy jobs and displace millions of workers, creating new waves of migration across the border. Further integration will restructure shipping, energy and transportation, all while building a scapegoat for the engineered economic collapse that will rile up the masses.

Like a doctor setting a fracture, the underwriters of the North American Union plan to actually break up regions of Amerika to “enhance” the management and control of society at many levels, according to author Jerome Corsi.

Understanding the plan to merge the Fascist Police States of Amerika, Mexico and Canada, says Corsi, is “the only context in which the current immigration travesty makes sense - and it must be stopped.” This aim to create a North American Union between the Fascist Police States of Amerika, Mexico and Canada is the real reason behind “comprehensive immigration reform.”

“A North American Union would not just be the end of Amerika as we know it,” says Corsi, “but the beginning of an EU-like nightmare - a bureaucratic coup d’etat foisted upon millions of Amerikans without their knowledge or consent.”

Thus, the big banks and power brokers are interested in Texas secession, or at least could exploit it easily.

How might secession transition from a fringe idea to a country-ender? In conversations with economists, political scientists, and futurists, three broad themes came up that are most persuasive: economic collapse, the rise of localism, and North American reshuffling.

Let’s say there’s an Amerikan Revolution - who leaves first? Once the feds “start imposing huge taxes,” says Peter Schiff, the states that have to pay more in than they’re getting back out will pull their stars off the flag. Schiff lists Texas and California as potential pullout candidates, whereas “Florida probably wants to stay because of all the Social Security money.”

North America’s borders have remained pretty much static for the last century. But this stability shouldn’t imply that our dividing lines make sense. In 1981’s Nine Nations of North America, Joel Garreau argued that the continent’s borders don’t reflect how we live.

Garreau’s nine nations map - which highlighted regions where people share common values, culture, and natural resources - wasn’t intended to be predictive of a future breakup.

Take away the artificial borders and we’re all just North Americans. If Amerika ends, so will Canada and Mexico. If Canada or Mexico goes down the tubes, we won’t be long for this continent either.

Taken the wrong way by the media, secession and “fightin’ talk” about immigration allow the system to play off the sentiment of the locals and provide friction to open up action. This strategy creates new problems, and gives new agency powers to those who could offer to provide solutions. These are new realms for experts to manage and corporations to service. Remember that calls to secession have been led by bought out politicians like Rick Perry. The gun toting standoff rhetoric has been largely manufactured by scripted suits funded by lobbyists.

Nonetheless, a breaking point is bound to come somewhere, at sometime. As one commenter put it, “Most Texans do not want to break away from the (Fascist Police States of Amerika). Most Texans consider themselves Amerikans. But if ever being Amerikan means sacrificing our liberties, we will just prefer to be Texans.”