ROANOKE, Virginia (PNN) - March 27, 2020 - Do you remember Clara Peller - the old lady in the iconic Wendy’s commercial who used to screech, “Where’s the Beef”?
Well, where are the bodies?
Of all the not elderly, otherwise healthy people stacking up like cordwood. I drove by my local hospital yesterday in downtown Roanoke (it’s a big regional trauma center, Roanoke Memorial) and did not see refrigerator trucks of corpses or any sign that anything was out of the ordinary.
This Black Death - as it’s been advertised - is supposed to be so remorselessly lethal that by now surely there would be clear evidence (bodies) stacking up so that we’d all realize that acquiescing to virtual imprisonment, losing our jobs - and destroying the economy - is a price that has to be paid.
Well that’s what we’ve been told. In the manner of the urgent necessity of attacking Iraq, in order to prevent “weapons of mass destruction” from resulting in “mushroom clouds” coming to Amerika; or Communists - via the “dominoes” and Vietnam.
They came anyway, of course - but long before some 50,000 Amerikans and many times that number of Vietnamese were slaughtered for the sake of “our freedoms”.
Which all of a sudden we no longer have anymore.
Not even the freedom to go for a walk in some parts of the Fascist Police States of Amerika. We’re forbidden to work, or so stymied that working is effectively not possible. Yet we will be obliged to pay what are called “our” taxes. A strange notion, that.
There are now supposedly hundreds of thousands of cases of coronavirus. But there aren’t even tens of thousands of dead, which ought to be the only thing of interest to people, assuming they aren’t retarded. The body count is the only way to determine whether coronavirus is generally lethal or just generally infectious.
This is a really important distinction that requires some critical thinking, which is a problem because it has been systematically purged from the minds of millions of Amerikans, chiefly via government schools, which of course is the purpose of government schools.
They are not charitable institutions.
They serve the interests of those who own and run them, which isn’t you or me or the parent of any child educated within them. The children do learn things, though. Chiefly, the acceptance of arbitrary rules issued by arbitrary authority, and how to not recognize arbitrariness or object to it, as obedient adults.
Look around. Look how obediently people - not all, but a despairingly large number of them - not only fail to question the “locking down” of their lives (and livelihoods) but demand it - and demand that the few critical thinkers who weren’t stunted by their “education” in government schools who question it be treated like criminals.
The uncritically thinking are unable to make the distinction between people getting sick and people getting dead, and are thus vulnerable to being convinced of their equivalence.
This despite the lack of evidence - bodies - of not elderly, otherwise healthy people who didn’t have some other serious problem when they died.
If it all sounds familiar - which it will to people who can critically think - it is. Just a few weeks before Corona Fever became the crisis du jour, we were being fear-sold the climate crisis.
Which likewise depended on the absence of evidence.
Oh, we were fed projections - assumptions - scenarios. Dire stories about flooded coastlines and Millions Who Will Die unless, of course, “bold action” was taken immediately. No questions.
But where’s the beef?
The flooded coastlines? The Millions Dead? The evidence didn’t support the narrative.
Hence the need for the hard sell and a new narrative.
Do as we say but not as they do, which is another facet of this mess. The various newly minted Reichsministers - we might as well use honest language - have declared carte blanche authority to tell us what to do but do not do the same things themselves. They are not “sheltering in place,” much less closing up shop. Their “business” - control, theft - not only proceeds, it booms.
Well how about those bodies?
If they don’t start stacking up soon it’ll be obvious - one hopes - even to the uncritically not-thinking who are currently Corona Cringing and demanding that everyone else do the same.
We shouldn’t.
We don’t dare.
Much more than getting sick is on the line. Even if this is the Black Death redux, the cure being pushed on us is far worse than the sickness; and if this not the Black Death then there are some truly sick people behind all this.
If so, there will - and should - be Hell to pay.