What is Homeland Security?

by Brent Johnson

It has become accepted as a necessary function of our government: Homeland Security. The new massive Department of Homeland Security, created by an Act of Congress, has already attracted countless lobbyists, all vying for billions of dollars in DHS appropriations. (By the way, did you know that Homeland Security was supposed to cost nothing; it was supposed to simply be a reorganization of already existing budgets? So much for government promises).

But what exactly does it mean to secure our homeland?

America is not just a specific landmass, though her states certainly cover a large area of land and water. America is more than that; it is a system of principles, which recognizes that there are higher laws than the laws of the State, and that it is to those higher laws that we give our allegiance and obedience. American principles dictate that governments are established “to secure (your) rights” and that you can change the government “whenever any government becomes destructive to these ends…” (Declaration of Independence, 1776).

Do you really understand the significance of that last statement? This is the united States of America, and you have the power to change the entire government if it does not behave properly! You, me, the grocer who lives down the street, the local private schoolteacher, and the ordinary American people are the lords of these united States of America! We have the power! That is the truth!

So what does it mean to secure our homeland? Security can take many forms, not all of them positive in a free society.

For example, we could secure all of America by placing every man, woman and child into handcuffs and leg chains, with a gag in each American’s mouth and a guard in each house. Think about it. There would be no more crime, no murders, no rapes, no child molestation, no verbal abuse, no domestic violence, no arson, no theft, and no sexual harassment… but is it a desirable society?

Most people would say no, because they inherently and instinctively understand that while in pursuit of security, there are other important criteria that also need to be considered.

When you think about it, securing anything is really very easy. Simply provide enough manpower (soldiers, police, militia, etc.) with enough weaponry to secure the area/property/people, etc. However, if we lose our very identity as the united States of America in order to secure ourselves, then what have we really gained? If we undermine the character of our free Republic in order to achieve greater safety, then what have we really lost? And is it worth it?

“They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Benjamin Franklin

If we are to secure our homeland, we must do so in a manner that strengthens rather than weakens our adherence to the fundamental principles that define us as a social and political entity. Otherwise, we are just reacting to the current state of affairs, and when the political winds again change direction, for they always do, the American Way of Life will be blown away with all the rest of the politically incorrect aspects of our historical identity.

Yet, there are always workable solutions to the problems inherent in securing our homeland. We must secure our borders, putting America’s concerns for security above the economic benefits of international commerce and trade, even though we are called selfish, uncaring, or even racist by the socialists, but we must do so without encroaching on the rights of individual Americans.

We must secure our airlines and airports, highways and byways, for safe use by our citizenry, but we must find a way to do so that doesn’t violate the rights of individual Americans. Most importantly, we must hold government officials and agencies directly responsible and personally liable for any violations by them of the rights of individual Americans.

We must stand true. We must stand firm. We must not display a willingness to surrender even a small or seemingly unimportant element of our rights, our liberties, or our freedom. We must especially not accept official explanations that “we are at war” (because we are not at war until and unless Congress declares war) and that emergency measures are necessary (because the Constitution does not allow for any such “emergency measures”).

Make your stand for Truth and Freedom. Do not allow your family or yourself to be vaccinated. Vaccines are poison. Defend the lives and health of your family from government tyrants trying to poison you and them, even at the risk of your own life. Stop supporting the oppressive security measures being employed in airports throughout our land. The best way to do this is to stop flying as much as possible. If your job requires you to fly… consider renegotiating your contract or finding another job. If the airlines go out of business, so be it. Until Real Patriots begin taking such drastic and needed action, nothing will change.

Stop paying non-required federal taxes. If you live in one of the 50 Union states, then federal taxes (e.g. social security, income tax, etc.) are not your taxes. Learn how to properly opt out of these voluntary taxes; get rid of your social security number (which also means giving up all of the benefits to which you would otherwise be entitled and no, you will not get your money back from the system). Cancel your voter registration card and marriage license. Take time to learn how to properly remove yourself from federal jurisdiction, then do it. Stop applying for benefits, grants, and government loans or financing; stop trying to get something for nothing. Your right to self-determination, that is, your freedom is always the price you pay.

Don’t support government tyranny!

Stop thinking of the government as your friend. Thomas Paine, in his classic and brilliant essay, Common Sense, referred to government, when operating at its very best - when it is doing nothing wrong and everything right - as a necessary evil. It is from the inspiration of Paine’s writings that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. In these united States of America, government is regarded as inherently evil.

Do not let politicians and lobbyists determine for you the meaning of homeland security. Do not turn this fundamental responsibility over to political servants who have shown themselves unable to perform even the simplest tasks on behalf of the American people without engaging in unparalleled patterns of deceit and corruption. Do not allow the security of your country to be undermined by the enemies of freedom.

Frankly, I dislike the term “homeland”. It reminds me too much of the 1987 ABC miniseries Amerika, in which our Republic has been taken over by communists and hard-line socialists (Russians, East Germans, etc.). In the movie, Nebraska, Kansas, and some parts of the surrounding states are renamed “Heartland”. It was eerie to watch this movie about our Republic being subverted from within, and it is eerie to see today’s America referred to as the “homeland”. It would be wise to remember that Russia was the motherland for the Soviet Union and Germany was the fatherland for the Third Reich. Have we learned nothing from history? (Amerika is available through Freedom Bound International @ 888-385-3733).

While it is admittedly almost impossible to avoid every single tax or hidden fee imposed by government on the people, there are numerous things that you can do to secure your rights from government intrusion. Once you have done these things, you will be in a much better position from which to refuse to comply with government regulations and controls with impunity.

However, do not wait until you go through some process or read a book or watch a video before taking action. Time is not on your side. Instead, let it be an ongoing process for you, even while you are on a never-ending quest to learn as much as you can about these issues. Do while you learn. Learn while you do. You will make mistakes, but you will recover and be even stronger as a result. No error is irreparable, so you can proceed without fear.

In the final analysis, the greatest security for our homeland will be achieved by each of you understanding the source and power of your rights, and cultivating a willingness to defend those unique gifts with which you have been endowed by your Creator, with your lives, your fortunes, and your sacred honor.

Start today. Resist all government efforts to control you. Do not comply. Make that your focus: resistance and non-compliance. Set it as your task, your mantra, your prayer each day. Resist. Do not comply. Resist. Do not comply. Remember that you are standing up against the inherent evil that is government. You are standing up for the Higher Law that is supreme over any government.

Do so with courage and confidence.

Brent Johnson is Director of Freedom Bound International, a common law service center dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the Declaration of Independence. He may be reached at 1-888-385-FREE or on-line at www.freedomradio.us or at www.brentjohnsontruth.com.