by Brent Johnson
America was founded on principles of freedom and self-determination; principles reflecting what our Colonial Leaders devoutly believed to be the word of God. The basic tenets forming the foundation of America were that a higher law exists than that of the government; that God's law provides that men (and women) are the rulers of their own lives, and government's only role is to protect and defend the unalienable, God-given rights of the people.
When the federal government was created through the Constitution, the office of the president was established to oversee the workings of this new government "agent" for the states. The role of the president was always to see to it that the federal government operated according to the restrictions set down in the Constitution.
Today, over two hundred years later, the office of the president of the United States has become arguably the most powerful office in the world. Its inhabitant exerts immense influence over politics, economy, and social structure, affecting not only Washington, D.C. and the fifty Union states, but foreign countries throughout the world.
Yet it seems that the office of the president no longer carries with it the respect and honor which it was created to reflect and which it originally deserved, at least in the eyes of the American people.
The current president of the United States - William Jefferson Clinton - is the focus of at least a dozen different investigations into criminal fraud, drug running, murder and accessory to murder, money laundering, etc. He is also the focus of possible impeachment proceedings; several Congressmen have already publicly declared their intent to file impeachment charges against the president.
President Clinton is known to be a liar, believed by many to be a thief and drug lord, possibly a murderer, and definitely a philanderer. The documentary evidence connecting President Clinton with inappropriate and sometimes criminal activities is compelling and overwhelming. There can be no question but that President Clinton has done things that, if you or I did them would land us in jail. There is ample evidence to raise questions of unethical and illegal behavior by the president.
Despite all of this the American people - albeit a tiny plurality of 25% - re-elected this man, whose actions reflect socialist, communist and Marxist philosophies. By any standard held by the Colonial Leaders, President Clinton is a traitor to everything that is America. He has violated the Supreme Law of the Land (Constitution), making him guilty of high treason. Why should anyone be surprised that the office of the United States president has lost its high regard throughout America and the world?
If the office of the president is again to command worldwide respect, we must hold the officeholder to a standard of honor and respect for the law, to a greater and less flexible degree than any other American! We cannot allow our president to lie to the American people with impunity; we cannot permit our president to contribute to felony crimes such as money laundering, drug running, murder, and government cover-ups. We must hold our president to the highest standard of what it means to be an American; after all, he represents all of America to the rest of the world.
We must be willing to endure lengthy and difficult impeachment hearings, if necessary, rather than allow a sitting president to go unpunished for crimes he commits against the American people. We must take a harsh attitude against this type of government criminal, and show the American people along with the rest of the world, that being an American is something special; a heritage of which to be proud, a history of courage and fortitude, a lesson to freedom loving people everywhere.
If we are to restore credibility to the office of the president of the United States, we must punish President Clinton for his unethical behavior, hold him responsible for his lies to the American people, and fully investigate, and if necessary punish, his complicity with the various felonies mentioned above as well as any other crimes he may have committed. Being the president does not excuse his behavior, rather it should compel him to a higher standard.
The office of the president of the United States was created for the ultimate American; a man (or woman) who, through actions rather than words, would protect, uphold and defend the sacred principles of freedom, truth and justice on which America was founded.
We the People of the united States of America, have the opportunity to correct the terrible damage which has been done to the office of the president. We have the chance to let the world know that now more than ever, We the People cherish liberty and self-determination; we value our natural, God-given Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We can tell the world that we forever bar from holding elected office, anyone whose behavior is repugnant to the Supreme Law of our Land, and the principles of Americanism which state that the people get their rights from a higher source than the State; that government has limited power, deriving all of its power from the people, who are the rightful masters of all government in America.
The question remains as to whether We the People will accept our responsibility; will we restore the office of the president of the United States to a position of worldwide respect? Will we purge from government today, those who would dirty the office and the country which it represents? Will we re-institute, by force if necessary, constitutional rule of law in America, requiring the president by his acts, to uphold and protect this most sacred Law of our Land?
Our answer will show what kind of America we will leave to our children.