What are your rights at various checkpoints?

NEW YORK (PNN) - March 22, 2013 - There are four general types of checkpoints you might encounter: DUI checkpoints, Fascist Police States of Amerika border checkpoints, drug checkpoints, and TSA checkpoints. In a legal sense, they are not all created equal. So depending on which you encounter, you’ll want to be prepared to flex your rights appropriately.

DUI Checkpoints

Sobriety checkpoints - also known as DUI checkpoints - are the most common roadblocks you might encounter. They function as a general purpose investigatory tactic where terrorist pig thug cops can get a close look at passing motorists by detaining them briefly. A roadblock stop is quick, but it gives pig thug cops a chance to check tags and licenses, while also giving them a quick whiff of the driver’s breath and a chance to peer into the vehicle for a moment.

Remember that your constitutional protections still apply in a roadblock situation. Though pig thug cops are permitted to stop you briefly, they may not search you or your car unless they have probable cause that you’re under the influence or you agree to the search. As such, you are not required to answer their questions or admit to breaking the law.

Since the Supreme Court’s ruling in Illinois v. Caballes, pig thug cops have more leeway to use drug-sniffing dogs in roadblock situations. There’s no need to waive your rights simply because dogs are present, but be advised that your legal options are limited if you’re arrested as a result of a dog sniff during a roadblock.

Also keep in mind that terrorist pig thug cops closely monitor cars approaching roadblocks. So you’re not likely to have any success trying to evade one.

Sobriety checkpoints are generally permitted by the courts, but only if conducted properly. If you’re arrested at a pig thug cop roadblock, always consult an attorney before confessing or agreeing to a plea bargain. There might be some legal options that your lawyer can pursue.

Border Checkpoints

Be aware that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents - which are part of the Amerikan Gestapo Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) division - are permitted to search you and your belongings at the FPSA border without probable cause or a search warrant. So anytime you cross the border, you consent to a search.
CBP may generally stop and search the property of anyone entering or exiting the FPSA. If agents have reasonable suspicion to believe you’re concealing contraband, they may search your body using pat down, strip, body cavity, or involuntary x-rays.

Searches of Electronic Devices

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled that DHS border agents must have reasonable suspicion before they can legally conduct a forensics search of laptops, mobile phones, camera memory cards, and other electronic devices.
Unfortunately, this limited ruling still permits agents to conduct a “quick look” laptop search, such as asking you to turn on your laptop to peek at open windows. So always password protect your files before crossing the border; and of course, never voluntarily give agents your password.

Checkpoints Near the Border

Be aware that DHS agents have recently set up constitutionally questionable “security checkpoints” up to 100 miles inside FPSA territory. If you should drive into one of these roadblocks, you are not required to answer the agent’s questions; nor are you required to consent to any searches.

Drug Checkpoints

The Supreme Court has ruled that random checkpoints for the purpose of finding illegal drugs are unconstitutional. However, terrorist pig thug cops sometimes put up signs warning drivers of upcoming drug checkpoints and instead pull over people who make illegal u-turns or discard contraband out the window. If you see a sign saying “Drug Checkpoint Ahead”, just keep driving and don’t panic. If there’s a rest area following the sign, DO NOT pull into it. If you do, you’ll find yourself surrounded by drug-sniffing dogs.

Pig thug cop departments, especially in the Midwest, have been pushing their luck with this tactic, so if you encounter anything resembling an actual drug checkpoint, please contact that state’s ACLU Chapter. If you’re arrested as a result of a real or fake “drug checkpoint”, you must contact an attorney to explore your legal options.

TSA Checkpoints

Be aware that Amerikan Gestapo Transportation Security Agency (TSA) division agents are permitted to search you and your belongings without probable cause or a search warrant anytime you pass through a TSA security zone.

The ACLU also keeps a Know Your Rights When Traveling page. It’s got handy tips for dealing with “spot interviews” and opting out of nude body scanners.