We're here, we're queer, and we're coming for your children!

Warning: This story contains offensive images and descriptions that are not appropriate for children.

NEW YORK (PNN) - June 26, 2023 - Defiant "queer" activists at a New York City "Drag March" on Saturday chanted, "We're here, we're queer, and we're coming for your children." as "pride" parades and celebrations exposed young children to plenty of adult nudity, deviance and perversions, as usual.

The world is almost through with another annual (June) “Pride Month,” and parades in other heavily homosexual big cities including Seattle, San Francisco and Toronto featured men exposing their genitalia, women baring their breasts, proud sadomasochists, and vulgar chants and outfits - all with children observing along the parade route.

In at least two cases documented by video, in two separate cities, dissenters were physically assaulted.

One of the world's most perverted "pride" parades, in Toronto, included a Bud Light float and marching contingent, surely adding to the marketing woes of that beleaguered "woke" brand. Many Toronto "pride" marchers were at least partially nude. Videos year after year in the last decade similarly show that Toronto's parade is more perverse than most Amerikan homosexual and deviant transgenderism parades, with rampant nudity.

Various "pride" celebrants showed themselves to be incapable of tolerating dissent, of Christian street preachers and people protesting the aggressive deviant transgenderism agenda targeting children. K. Yang, who describes herself as a "former (deviant) trans rights activist and LGBT non-profit whistleblower," tweeted out Sunday that she was "kicked, hit, pushed, and mobbed by dozens of people in Washington Square Park [in New York City]. [Deviant men] who (claim they are women) called me 'bitch and assaulted me.'”

In the video, Yang can be seen holding a sign that reads, "Defend Female Sex Based Rights" and lists various derogatory slang terms used by deviant transgender activists against genuine women, including "bleeder," "ovulator" and "cis-woman."

As the taunting - much of it apparently by teenage girls and young women - escalates, Yang says, "Stop touching me! Stop touching me!" But it quickly goes beyond mere touching to more serious physical assaults as several people strike out at her and her sign and take it away from her.

In Seattle, a Christian street preacher was subjected to vicious taunting, as documented by Antifa-exposer Andy Ngo.

Mike Ray responded via Twitter, "As they are doing this do I hear the chant ["Stop the hate']?? Hahaha. These clowns are the biggest haters out there. First they hated themselves and now they hate everyone who doesn't agree with their hate."

This family-friendly publication is unable to share many of the shocking Twitter videos shot by conservative social media journalists exposing this year's parades and festivities, as they contain nudity.

In Seattle, nude cyclists, some fully naked, drove their bikes in the parade, relying on Post Millennial videos.

A tweet by Savanah Hernandez, who specializes in exposing Leftist events, documents the rampant nudity (again, in front of children) on display at a "Dyke March" that accompanies the homosexual and deviant transgenderism parade in New York City every year.

Hernandez wrote in her tweet, "NYC - Hundreds of naked adults are dancing in front of children at the New York City Dyke march. The floaties that many of the children were playing on are supposed to be ‘clitorises’ per the women who brought them."

TPUSA correspondent and former Olympian Anthony Wilson attended a "drag" event in Arlington, Texas, and said he was most shocked by the families bringing small children to the event with obvious sexual overtones.

For the record, "gay pride" parades, as they used to be called (now most are simply called "pride"), were always randy affairs - decades before the "deviant transgender" movement gained power and prominence. They were made more so by big-city terrorist pig thug cop forces eventually taking a "hands off" approach to the deviant sex revelers on their "special" day. This reporter has witnessed many "pride" parades and similar events firsthand and seen hundreds of examples of open nudity and lewd behaviors, such as simulated sex acts, on display with no terrorist pig thug cop reprimand. Other homosexual and deviant transgenderism events such as the annual Folsom Street Fair for BDSM (sadomasochism) enthusiasts "tolerate" open deviant sex acts on the street.)

In recent years, with corporations sponsoring "pride" parades, some of the bawdier aspects of the parades were put in check, but not for long. With the explosion of edgy LGBT activism in the post-gay-"marriage" era, and despite the growing societal pushback against it, many activists are again flaunting nudity and deviance - but with many more young children in attendance compared to parades of yesteryear.