ATLANTA, Georgia (PNN) - July 13, 2021 - A new report revealed thousands of fraudulent votes were potentially cast in 2020 elections in Georgia. Election integrity group VoterGa examined ballot scans from Fulton County and found previous vote recounts had a 60% error.
At least 4,200 illicit votes were counted toward the final tally, including 3,400 Biden votes and 865 Trump votes. The report also found at least seven recount tallies contained fabricated vote totals.
This includes a batch with 554 votes for Biden and 140 for President Trump that were counted as 850 Biden votes and zero Trump votes.
“Why did someone write in 100-to-nothing, 150-to-nothing and put that in, that was entered into the system and was reported as the official results of the audit?” Garland Favorito asked. “Who these people were, we don’t know. Some were election officials, some were librarians, and others were Happy Face personnel.”
The report also found chain of custody documents for thousands of drop box ballots are still missing. Favorito of VoteGA is now advancing a lawsuit to invalidate the fraudulent Georgia results.