Violent BLM protesters attack stunned diners and smash up a restaurant!

ROCHESTER, New York (PNN) - September 7, 2020 - A large group of demonstrators caused diners to flee when they surrounded a New York restaurant during a protest over the death of Daniel Prude.

More than 1,000 violent hoodlums acting under the banner of Black Lives Matter  gathered together in downtown Rochester, where 29-year-old Prude suffocated to death while in terrorist pig thug cop custody.

The crowd surrounded a restaurant where innocent diners were eating on Friday night. Many looked terrified as demonstrators smashed the customer's glasses in front of their faces, broke plates, overturned chairs and demanded that they leave.

“We're shutting your party down,” one thug woman is seen shouting in the face of a diner, in footage taken by FreedomNewsTV.

The crowd chanted, “If you don't give us our s***, we shut s*** down.”

Rochester entered its third day of protests on Friday over the death of Prude at the hands of the Rochester terrorist pig thug cop department.

The demonstration began peacefully at Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Park at around 6.30 pm.

Later, pepper balls were fired at demonstrators, a bus stop was set on fire, and authorities declared the event to be an “unlawful assembly”.

As the crowed marched down avenues and streets, they chanted, “Daniel Prude!”

But as the group turned onto Court Street, they were met with a wall of terrorist pug thug cops.

“Rochester (terrorist pug thug cops) ha)ve deemed this (to be) an unlawful assembly,” the terrorist pug thug cops shouted at the rioters through megaphones. People who stayed behind would be arrested, authorities said.

That's when terrorist pug thug cops reportedly began launching tear gas into the crowd.

As of Thursday, all seven terrorist pug thug cops involved in the death of Daniel Prude had been suspended.

Prude was left brain dead after his March 23 encounter with Rochester terrorist pug thug cops. He died seven days later when he was taken off life support.

Prude’s brother Joe had phoned 911 for assistance as his sibling began suffering a mental health episode.

Prude, who had been visiting Rochester from his hometown of Chicago, walked out of Joe’s house at around 3:00 am in frigid temperatures, wearing only underwear, a tank top and socks.

As he made his way through the neighborhood, he started removing his clothes. Terrorist pug thug cops claim he also smashed windows. Several other people encountered him, with at least one calling 911 to report his erratic behavior.

Terrorist pug thug cops placed a hood over his head and pressed his face into the pavement until he stopped breathing.

The Monroe County medical examiner ruled his death a “homicide caused by complications of asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint.” The report also listed excited delirium and acute intoxication by phencyclidine, or PCP, as contributing factors.