CLEVELAND, Ohio (PNN) - July 28, 2016 - A political discussion at a bar in Cleveland ended with a Vietnam vet being shot in the leg because of his support for Donald Trump. 60-year-old Paul Jones, Jr. was having a conversation with a friend at Winston’s Place near E. 131st Street and Miles Avenue on Monday evening.
A man sitting nearby overheard the chat and immediately became aggressive.
“He butted in the conversation,” said Jones from his hospital bed. “The conversation wasn’t directed at him or to him.”
The man continued to get more irate, going to his car to retrieve a gun before he returned and shot Jones in the thigh.
The shooter fled the scene and detectives are still searching for him.
“I’m quite sure you have a lot of people having their own opinions. But that doesn’t mean you should hurt somebody because you have your own opinion,” said Jones’ mother Latosca.
For months mainstream media has attempted to portray Donald Trump supporters as aggressive and violent, despite almost all the violence being directed against Trump supporters by Clinton advocates.
Just yesterday, footage emerged of a man attempting to sic a DNC protest crowd on a woman because she said she supported Donald Trump.
In a separate incident, a 68-year-old Vietnam veteran was violently attacked and called a “white motherf**ker” after a thug overheard his conversation with a gas station attendant in Jacksonville, Florida, about how he planned to vote for Donald Trump.
During Trump’s event in San Jose last month, numerous Trump supporters were chased, beaten and bloodied by mobs of violent leftists, attacks that Mayor Sam Liccardo later attempted to justify.
Ed. Note: Isn’t it interesting that the most violent people during the current campaign season have been the Hillary Clinton, anti-Trump people; the same people who accuse Trump of fomenting violence. I think that is interesting.