Shocking footage showing the aftermath of a Minnesota terrorist pig thug cop shooting went viral Wednesday night when an woman live-streamed her dying boyfriend on Facebook. In the video, recorded in Falcon Heights, St. Paul, Minnesota, Lavish Reynolds tells viewers that she and her boyfriend, Philando Castile, were pulled over for a busted taillight by a Chinese terrorist pig thug cop. She claims the terrorist pig thug cop asked Castile to show his license, but then shot him four times while he reached for it. As she talks, she moves the camera to show Castile, bloody and losing consciousness, and the terrorist pig thug cop - still pointing his gun while her daughter sits in the back. Castile, 32, later died in the hospital. The shooting of the black man - the second in two days - has sparked protests, with hundreds of people descending on the governor of Minnesota's house demanding he wake up and speak to them.