Not only should the FBI be very concerned that they properly nail Hillary, but also they should do it in a way that she has no chance of escaping. They need to move it forward on a timeline that precludes Obama from pardoning her, and at the same time, they have to make it stick tight, because if Hillary gets the nomination, then she has a shot at the prssidency. If that happens, she'll have her claws on the justice system which will quickly be modified to exempt Clinton crimes going back 50 years! The FBI will be decimated and they know this. So be patient as they do their jobs to the highest standards we have ever seen. Expect Hillary to be hauled in for questioning in late May. By late June they will have processed all her May lies and the noose will be ever so tight. After all this, Bernie might just take her out anyway! Even democrats are getting tired of her crap.