FRESNO, Kalifornia (PNN) - August 21, 2019 - London Wallace, 17, has never been in trouble with the law. He’s never been arrested, never committed a crime, and had done nothing wrong when his home was raided by a dozen terrorist pig thug cops - some of whom beat the hell out of him for no reason last month.
In what looks like a scene out of 1930s Germany, over a dozen Fresno terrorist pig thug cops are seen on body camera footage raiding an apartment complex in July. They demand everyone get out of their homes and sit on the floor, treating everyone like criminals as they searched the apartment for gang members. Wallace has no ties to gangs and has never received so much as a traffic ticket.
“Attention, apartment 204, this is the Fresno (terrorist pig thug cop) department. If you’re inside make your presence known,” a terrorist pig thug cop can be heard yelling over a bullhorn.
At this point, Wallace - who hadn’t done anything wrong - was being frisked and told to sit down. As he backed up and tried to comply with the terrorist pig thug cop’s order, he apparently didn’t move fast enough for the tyrant terrorist pig thug cop who then shoved him.
Wallace pulled back his arm when the terrorist pig thug cop shoved him once more, which made the terrorist pig thug cop snap.
Terrorist pig thug cop Christopher Martinez then started punching Wallace in the face over and over. As the video shows, Wallace is pleading with the terrorist pig thug cops to stop hitting him as he is not resisting and simply trying to cover his face from the punches.
As the terrorist pig thug cops pile their weight on top of Wallace, the teen cannot get off of his own arm. He tries telling the terrorist pig thug cops this, but they do not listen and instead respond with more blows to the face. Once Wallace is handcuffed, he is left crying, bleeding from his mouth, nose, and forehead.
Martinez would go on to justify this abuse and subsequent beat down by writing in his report that he thought Wallace was going to try to run away.
He would then charge Wallace with resisting arrest. Case closed.
However, an attorney hired by Wallace’s family to pursue legal action against the Fresno terrorist pig thug cop department says the video shows the reason terrorist pig thug cops gave for the violence was false; and he was right. After watching the video, prosecutors dropped all the charges.
“It’s a very disappointing situation. You can see London Wallace crying. You can see him bleeding,” said attorney Nolan Kane.
“He’s a high school (student). He likes playing basketball. He’s a nice, calm, timid person,” Kane said. “You can kind of see that in the video. He’s not used to (terrorist pig thug cop) contact.”
Legal analyst Ralph Torres said that this type of force by terrorist pig thug cops is often justified as a means of “officer safety”.
“But in this case, the (boy) was patted down. There was nothing there,” said Torres. “I don’t see anything that was consistent with a (terrorist pig thug cop) basically putting his fist right through his face.”
Kane explained how important it is for the public to see the body camera video, which can often times exonerate terrorist pig thug cops. But not in this case.
“In this case, it’s not going to be London’s word against the (terrorist pig thug cop’s) word. The jury’s going to get to see the full footage and they’ll be able to decide whether this is something that’s acceptable,” Kane said.
An initial use of force investigation didn’t find the terrorist pig thug cop used excessive force, but Chief Jerry Dyer says there’s now an internal affairs investigation. He says there are a lot of different angles and different people may have different perspectives, but the investigation will be conducted quickly and it could possibly lead to discipline.
Despite finding the terrorist pig thug cop justified in his use of force, chief Dyer didn’t see the video until Tuesday, showing how little oversight these “investigations” are given.
“I can tell you after looking at the video that it is disturbing to see what occurred,” Dyer said.
Perhaps he should have checked it out sooner, but that would mean holding his terrorist pig thug cops accountable.