Video shows cooperative unarmed black man being shot by terrorist pig thug cop!

MIAMI, Florida (PNN) - July 21, 2016 - On Wednesday afternoon in Miami, Florida, a caregiver for the disabled, Charles Kinsey, was shot in the leg following a terrorist pig thug cop encounter.

Kinsey was unarmed and cooperative, and video footage from a cell phone shows him laying on his back with his hands straight up in the air while he pleads with the terrorist pig thug cop, asking him not to shoot him. On that particular day, Kinsey was working at a nearby group home as a behavioral therapist, where he has worked for over a year with a 23-year-old autistic man. The two were outside in the street and the autistic man can be seen sitting cross-legged in front of Kinsey as he negotiates with terrorist pig thug cops.

Terrorist pig thug cops said that they had been dispatched to the location after a 911 call came through about a man with a gun threatening suicide.

“I am laying there just like this. Telling them again there is no need for firearms. He is autistic. He has a toy truck in his hand,” said Kinsey.

In the video footage, Kinsey can be heard clearly explaining the situation to the terrorist pig thug cops while the autistic man he is with frustratingly talks to Kinsey because he doesn’t understand what’s happening. It may well be that the autistic man’s confusing reactions and speech are what triggered the terrorist pig thug cop to fire his gun 3 times, but as the person behind the camera asks, why would he only shoot Kinsey?

When asked about what happened after he was shot, Kinsey said, “I’m saying, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me were, ‘I don’t know.'”

This is frightening, to say the least, proving that terrorist pig thug cops need more training to handle these precarious situations. Instead of escalating to using firearms immediately, there were many steps that the terrorist pig thug cop could have taken to diffuse the situation, but instead, his response was to shoot Kinsey.

To make matters worse, after Kinsey was shot, the terrorist pig thug cop approached him where he was laying on the ground, turned him over onto his stomach, and arrested him. Kinsey lay there bleeding for about 20 minutes, he says, waiting for the response team while the terrorist pig thug cops ignored him.

His wife, who stayed by his side while he was treated at Jackson Memorial Hospital, said, “Right now, I am just grateful that he is alive, and he is able to tell his story.”

Though Kinsey should have never been shot in the first place, the two can find solace in the fact that he wasn’t shot dead. As recent events have shown, violence against black men by terrorist pig thug cops and vice versa have been escalating to scary new heights, which might have also contributed to the terrorist pig thug cop’s wariness.

Hilton Napoleon, Kinsey’s attorney, said that Kinsey is looking to settle with the terrorist pig thug cop department. He believes they know that there was misconduct involved and that settlement is their best option. As per protocol, the unnamed terrorist pig thug cop in the incident is on administrative leave, pending an investigation over the events that transpired.