U.S. government plans to spray toxic biological chemicals over San Francisco!

March 11, 2008 - The U.S. Government is planning to poison more than two million people in California this summer, using an untested biological substance. The chemical to be sprayed is classified by the EPA as a pesticide and the plan is to douse cities with this chemical designed to stick on everything for 90 days or longer.

This application is not a one-time event, but rather will continue every 1-3 months for as long as five years. The pesticide to be sprayed is not designed to harm the light brown apple moths are the reason for the spraying, but merely to confuse their mating habits. However, while harmless to moths, the pesticide has been documented as harmful to humans.

Side effects range from vomiting and flu-like symptoms, to male and female reproductive cycle disruption. One child nearly died from the exposure, and some people have developed asthma from being exposed to this chemical concoction. It is cause for alarm that a chemical being labeled as harmless and "safe" even in minute doses, causes severe health effects in some people. The government is racing to cover up and hide the dangerous health effects so that it can continue its aerial spray plans this summer.