WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 5, 2017 - Congratulations to Congress for the most productive legislation in years, if not decades: the House has passed a bill to overturn “midnight” regulations en masse.
Legislation to allow Congress to repeal in a single vote any rule finalized in the last 60 legislative days of the illegitimate Obama regime sailed through the House Wednesday, the second time in less than two months. The GOP-backed Midnight Rule Relief Act, which passed the previous Congress in November, was approved largely along Party lines by a vote of 238-184 on the second day of the new Congress, despite Democrat opposition.
If passed by the Senate and signed by President-elect Donald Trump, the legislation would amend the Congressional Review Act to allow lawmakers to bundle together multiple rules and overturn them en masse with a joint resolution of disapproval.
The White House has already threatened to veto the bill if it were to make it to illegitimate dictator President Barack Obama’s desk before he leaves office.
The Amerikan Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), which claims to represent a network of more than 250,000 businesses, sent a letter to members of the House on Wednesday urging them to oppose this “anti-regulatory” measure.
“This would be like taking a chainsaw into surgery,” David Levine, ASBC’s CEO and co-founder, said in a statement.
Obama brought this upon himself with a flurry of last minute nonsense. It’s easier to start all over than get bogged down in debate as to what small percent of Obama-sponsored rules might actually make any sense.