by Brent Johnson
Since I last wrote on this subject, I have gone through an extensive education on the redemption process or strawman approach which is being used by a growing number of Americans. Some of those who have used this method have been imprisoned, others have been immensely successful. However, it is now my considered opinion - and I really have considered the matter - that the redemption process, when used correctly, represents a strong weapon against government oppression, bureaucratic indifference, and judicial tyranny.
Before I continue, I would like to explain precisely what I meant by the words "when used correctly".
The correct use of this process is to deal with charges levied against you by the corporate government. Note the use of the phrase "levied against you." This is exactly what the corporate government has done! They have "levied" a charge against you. Using the redemption process correctly appears to defeat the efforts of corporate government to collect on these "levies."
Every time a bureaucrat or official issues a ticket, citation, sanction, or other document designed to establish a fine or other debt to the State (or federal government), there is a secret charge attached to that document, service, etc. There are established values for arraignments, pre-trial hearings, trials, jury trials, etc. Everything you do in connection with government has an established "charge" attached by government. In other words, the corporate State has a "price list" for all documents, services, and processes over which it exercises jurisdiction. This represents half of the equation.
The other half involves the method by which these charges are applied.
When you were issued a Birth Certificate by the State, an artificial person was created in connection with the Certificate. That artifice is identified by your first name, middle initial and last name, all in Capital letters. This is called your nom de guerre, or "war name." The nom de guerre originated during World War 1, with the Trading with the Enemies Act, signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. The Act defined German citizens (and others whose country of citizenship were aligned with Germany in the War) as the "enemy" of the United States, thus requiring these people to obtain licenses, registrations, and permits from the government in order to conduct their daily affairs.
On March 9, 1933, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt re-defined the "enemy" to include the American people! This is when Americans were first subjected to the requirement of obtaining government permission for everything they do. As an enemy of the State, a nom de guerre has been assigned to each U.S. citizen.
It is your nom de guerre which is "charged" (note the meaning of the word) with violations of corporate government law. This is because you, as a natural (not artificial) person, have no contractual nexus to the corporate State. In other words, you have no legal connection which would permit the State to issue you citations, summonses, etc. However, your nom de guerre does.
The next step in the process is to arrange for you (a natural person) to act on behalf of the artifice identified by your nom de guerre. Please note that you are not to try to "represent" the artifice, as the word "represent" implies that a BAR member, an attorney, will speak for the artifice. You will speak "on behalf of" - not "represent" - the fictitious entity identified by your nom de guerre. You accomplish this by filing a U.C.C. 1 form with the Secretary of State (any Secretary of State should suffice, but the central processing point for these filings, and the place in which your filing must be accepted, is Washington state). You are now able to legally act on behalf of your strawman.
Suppose you get a traffic citation. Rather than go through any of the lengthy (and generally ignored) lawful processes to repudiate, challenge, or otherwise quash the ticket, you would appear before a judge and explain that, "I accept your citation (complaint, claim, filing, etc.) for value. Please state your name for the record."
Understand that the judge knows that the entire system over which he presides is based on a fraud. The judge is not about to willingly admit to the fraud. He knows that if he states his name for the record, he becomes the legal holder of the fraud instrument. This makes him liable for the fraud and no judge in his right mind will enter such an admission into the court record. More likely, the judge will call a recess, then dismiss the case. Some judges, when faced with this scenario, have recused themselves from the case entirely. Patriotic Americans, who had previously been held without the benefit of charges or without due process of law, have been immediately released upon stating for the record "acceptance for value" and then asking the judge to state his name for the record. This process has proved quite effective.
There are those who now say that the year 2000 is the year of the Jubilee, so that you must register yourself as acting on behalf of your strawman by December 31, 1999, or you lose all rights to do so in the future. If this is so, then it must also be true that all claims of jurisdiction, civil liability, and control of the people by the private, corporate court system must for the same reason end on January 1, 2000. My own view is that unless the corporate government officially acknowledges that all claims - including and especially its own claims - are purged by arrival of the year of Jubilee, the process will continue to prove effective into the year 2000.
We are working on putting together a simplified package for those who want to learn this process correctly. This is not a process for the greedy. It is not to be used to "get something for nothing." Remember, the love of money is the root of all evil. You must do your own research and confirm the legitimacy of the process yourself. Don't rely on others too much. Don't believe me or anyone else, know the truth for yourself. That is the mark of a Real American.