U.C.C.-1/Strawman: Not the Answer!

by Brent Johnson

As I have explained for years, the so-called "Redemption Process", utilizing U.C.C.-1 filings to secure your interest in the artificial entity known as your "Strawman", will not succeed. Any time you utilize a process that depends on your government servants compliance, it is destined for failure. The "Redemption Process" is no different.

Secretaries of State in almost every state have simply stopped accepting U.C.C.-1 statements for this type of filing. You can waste your time trying to get your U.C.C.-1 filed, or you can do the right thing: GET RID OF YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER! This is the only proven successful method of extricating yourself from government regulation.

The primary attraction of the "Strawman" filing is that it allows you to remain "in the system", eligible for all kinds of government social programs and benefits. I say to you that you cannot retain eligibility for these programs and also claim your natural rights. YOU CAN'T!

You must choose: your rights or government privileges. And please refrain from whining to me about how much money you have already paid into the system. We have all paid tons into the system. There is no justice to be had here. You (and the rest of us) have been ripped off! You will not get your money back, and you are not entitled - legally or philosophically - to anything in compensation for that which was taken. You bought the lie! Now you have to pay the price for your trust and complacency. Take it like a Real American. Accept the consequences of your folly, then move on.

The "Redemption Process" is not the solution. It only accentuates the problem.