Tyranny in Texas as cops show up at resident doorsteps ordering quarantine!

EL PASO, Texas (PNN) - October 24, 2020 - We all knew that the COVID-19 “pandemic” was going to cause the loss of our individual freedoms, liberties and rights.

Cases of COVID are supposedly again spiking in urban areas across Texas, but the state has done the unthinkable. Well, at least we thought, “this is Amerika, what happened in China can’t happen here, right?” Wrong.

Terrorist pig thug cops have turned to drastic measures to curb the alleged spread of the virus across the Fascist Police States of Amerika, not just in Texas, but the entire country is facing an unprecedented violation of liberties.

This week, terrorist pig thug cops were dispatched to the homes of residents who have tested positive in El Paso to order them to quarantine for 14 days. Those who disobey the order could find themselves brought before a judge or facing a $500 fine (which, if they challenge it properly, should be dismissed).

Similar draconian measures are being replicated across the FPSA, with the country’s discredited official statistics claiming it has passed eight million infections on Thursday, and epidemiologists on the bogus “pandemic” bandwagon warning that the nation is surging toward a third wave of coronavirus cases.

At least 41 FPSA states have supposedly seen a rise in new cases over the last two weeks - even though the methods of establishing measurements of COVID-19 infection numbers have been shown to be inaccurate and incorrectly administered - with the number of new daily infections being reported as 71,600, near record highs. Hospitalizations have similarly supposedly hit record highs in thirteen states, according to Johns Hopkins University data, even though independent investigations conducted throughout the bogus “pandemic” have shown that those same hospitals have actually been empty of patients.

Rockland County, New York, has been issuing subpoenas for CV contact tracing after residents refused to be tracked. Those residents were given a choice to be tracked or face a civil penalty of up to $2,000 a day (which, if they challenge it properly, should be dismissed).

Measures being put into place now will likely remain long after the “pandemic” has stopped and the virus has run its course. That’s the everlasting effect that COVID will have on our society, if we allow it. The coronavirus is classified as a “pandemic” by the World Health Organization - which has a vested and biased interest in maintaining fear among the world’s populations in order to continue exerting unlawful control over a fear-ravaged public - but it’s the government’s response that should worry us more in the long run.