Two white women forced to close burrito shop because of cultural appropriation!

Another attack on a freedom by racists.

PORTLAND, Oregon (PNN) - May 27, 2017 - There may not be a single notion among leftists that is more groan inducing than cultural appropriation. These people flip their lids every time someone borrows an idea from another culture. To them you’re a racist if you act, speak, or dress like anyone who isn’t from your tribe, or if you even celebrate their holidays. Of course, it generally only applies to white people, as if they’re going to ruin every culture they touch. Now this petty belief is ruining reputations and livelihoods. In Portland, Oregon, it forced two successful business owners to close up shop. Kali Wilgus and Liz “LC” Connelly, who are two white women, started a burrito business several months ago called Kooks Burritos. It was an instant hit. Last week they revealed in an interview with a local newspaper that they had learned some of their recipes during a trip to Mexico.

Explaining their trip, Connelly said, “I picked the brains of every tortilla lady there in the worst broken Spanish ever, and they showed me a little of what they did. In Puerto Nuevo, you can eat $5 lobster on the beach, which they give you with this bucket of tortillas. They are handmade flour tortillas that are stretchy and a little buttery, and best of all, unlimited. They wouldn’t tell us too much about technique, but we were peeking into the windows of every kitchen, totally fascinated by how easy they made it look. We learned quickly it isn’t quite that easy.”

After the article was published, social media lit up with accusations of cultural appropriation. The outrage snowballed after a writer for the Portland Mercury slammed the two women for cultural appropriation, and “colonizing” recipes from Mexican cuisine.

“This week in white nonsense, two white women - Kali Wilgus and Liz ‘LC’ Connely - decided it would be cute to open a food truck after a fateful excursion to Mexico,’ the piece opened. The owners of Kooks Burritos all but admitted in an interview with Willamette Week that they colonized this style of food. So let’s recap the story thus far: These two white women went to Mexico, ate tacos, and then decided they would just take what the locals clearly didn’t want to give them. If that wasn’t bad enough, they decided to pack up all their stolen intellectual property and repackage it.”

The business was also eviscerated on Yelp by hyperventilating social justice warriors.

Ed. Note: What kind of fascist, racist garbage this is! These people should get a life. Freedom means I have the absolute right to start whatever business I want to start, and if I take what I learn from someone in another country and use it here, that’s just fine. Nobody has a right to prevent anyone else from using their recipes, unless those recipes have been copyrighted or possibly trademarked. This is another example of how socialist pieces of trash have ruined a profitable business that its customers loved. I hope Ms. Wilgus and Ms. Connely will regroup and start again; and this time, tell the local socialists that if they don’t like what they have done, go eat someplace else! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!