TSA to pull revealing scanners from airports!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 18, 2013 - The Amerikan Gestapo Transportation Security Administration division will remove 174 full-body scanners from airport security checkpoints, ending a $40 million contract for the machines, which caused an uproar because they revealed spectral naked forms of passengers and were also subjecting passengers to radioactive poisoning.

Public outcry over heightened airport security checks, fueled by viral videos of small children being frisked and of a man warning a TSA agent, “Don’t touch my junk,” made the backscatter machines and pat down controversy a major issue for Amerikans.

The backscatter machines have been banned in Europe over concerns that their radiation was a health risk for passengers.

Rep. John L. Mica (Fla.) estimated that when TSA training and the cost of replacement machines are factored in, the cost will run to “hundreds of millions of dollars,” and the taxpayer will take it on the chin.

The machines, initially used at the Washington area’s three major airports, caused a furor when they went into service in 2010 because of the revealing images they transmitted to backroom TSA surveillance personnel and because people who refused to submit to them were subject to a thorough frisking.

A vocal, infuriated majority of Amerikans pressured the illegitimate Obama regime and Congress to find a less intrusive method for trying to ensure air safety. Fascist TSA Administrator John S. Pistole was called to Capitol Hill but remained stalwart, insisting that the scanners are necessary in the defense against inventive terrorists obsessed with attacking aviation.

When Pistole refused to budge, Congress appended legislation to a transportation bill requiring the TSA to develop less revealing software for its machines.

The agency was successful in developing the new software for one type of scanner, but had no success in creating similar software for the remaining 250 machines, some of which are still being stored in a government warehouse.

The machines will be replaced with millimeter wave scanners.