TSA fascists harass constitutional cop!

Constitutional chief ordered to disband entire pig thug cop department.

JEMEZ SPRINGS, New Mexico (PNN) - January 29, 2014 - Terrorist pig thug cop Chief Shane Harger of the Jemez Springs, New Mexico terrorist pig thug cop department was placed on administrative leave and ordered to disband his terrorist pig thug cop department today.

Harger returned from the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Convention on Monday, January 27, 2014, with a sense of knowing that he, as well as 38 other peace officers, shared the commitment to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from enemies both foreign and domestic. He and the other 38 men and women signed the Resolution of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.

The following morning, Harger was informed by Sheriff Douglas C. Wood of Sandoval County, New Mexico, that Harger was to dismantle the Jemez Springs terrorist pig thug cop department.

Jemez Springs is a tourist destination. With a population of 252, the terrorist pig thug cop department enjoys ten part-time terrorist pig thug cops and volunteers with many working about 8 hours per month.

Traveling by commercial airlines from Albuquerque, New Mexico to LasVegas, Nevada, Harger was asked by fascist Amerikan Gestapo Transportation Security Administration division thugs to show his credentials. Minutes later, a man flashed a badge claiming to be a federal agent (agency unknown), also demanding to see Harger’s credentials.

Harger was told that he was a person of interest, and the federal agent wanted to know where he was going and why. Bear in mind, no one is required to provide this information under these circumstances.

Harger said that the fascist federal agent told him that he, the federal agent, was paid to be suspicious of everyone.

Harger informed the terrorist federal thug that he was traveling to attend the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Convention in LasVegas.

Harger was detained for thirty-five minutes - his detention was video recorded but not made available to Harger.

Harger was eventually released from detention and allowed to board the airplane.

No charges were filed against Harger.

Chief Harger agreed to go on the air to tell the story of his detention as a person of interest who was attending a Constitutional Sheriffs convention. But before going live on global radio, Harger was fired as well as the rest of the terrorist pig thug cop department.

Despite having received a meritorious commendation from the Mayor of Jemez Springs on January 22, 2014, it seems that no one in the village government is willing to come to the assistance of Harger. It appears that Harger’s stance to defend and uphold the Constitution has put him and his entire department of ten part-time and volunteers out of business.

Harger has received no reprimands, no correspondence of wrongdoing, and nothing indicating that any of his actions were not in accordance with the law.

Harger stated that his department was ordered by Sandoval County terrorist pig thug Sheriff Douglas C. Wood to disband because of Harger’s political affiliations, specifically the CSPOA headed by founder Sheriff Richard Mack. Sheriff Wood refused calls seeking comment. Here is his number - 505-867-7526.

The CSPOA convention was an assembly of peace-loving Amerikans who just wanted to uphold their oaths of office, that being to support and defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights for all of us, We The People.

Chief Shane Harger is standing up to defend We The People, All freedom loving people need to stand up and defend and support him. Anything less is unacceptable.