DELAWARE, Ohio (PNN) - October 20, 2016 - Donald Trump opened up a Thursday campaign rally in Delaware, Ohio, touching on the most sensitive topic from last night by saying he'll accept the results of the presidential election... as long as he wins. "I will totally accept the result of this great and historic presidential election," Trump told supporters in Delaware, Ohio.
He then paused dramatically.
"If I win."
The crowd went wild.
Later in the speech, Trump said that he would accept a "clear election result," leaving the door open to conceding the race if Hillary Clinton wins by an overwhelming margin. "I would accept a clear election result but I would also reserve my right to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result," Trump told his crowd.
"Always, I will follow and abide by all the rules and traditions of all of the many candidates who have come before me. Bottom line," he added to cheers, "we are going to win."
At Thursday's rally, Trump said the only reason he won't accept the results in advance is because he's convinced Clinton is cheating. "We want fairness in the election," he said. "Don't be naïve, folks."
"A campaign like Clinton's that will incite violence is truly a campaign that will do anything to win," he said.
The Republican nominee said Clinton is the most corrupt and dishonest person ever to run for president. "It was in that context that I was asked, in advance, to concede the results on election night, if for some reason we should lose," he said, referring to the debate. "That was sort of an unprecedented question."
Trump said that if Democrat nominee Al Gore or Republican nominee for president, George W. Bush, had agreed to the same question three weeks before the 2000 election, there would have been no Supreme Court case contesting the recount in Florida.
"In effect, I'm being asked to wave centuries of legal precedent," Trump said, "designed to protect the voters."