Brent Johnson
When the united States of America was founded, it was
believed that we were building a society in which every Citizen would receive
justice. The Pledge of Allegiance to
the American flag ends with the words, “with Liberty and Justice for all.”
What a shame that our country has abandoned those sacred
principles on which it was originally established. Modern Amerika (sic) looks nothing like the Republic we were
given by the Founding Fathers; the objective of justice for all has never been
further from reality.
As a matter of fact, today’s Amerikan justice looks
remarkably similar to the kind of justice meted out in Old England, where the
aristocratic class - including the political elite, police, government workers,
and attorneys - received justice and consideration for their concerns and
issues, while the vast majority of the people (i.e. commoners) received only
the justice they could purchase with their wealth.
Every day, I come across stories about real events in which
justice is denied to ordinary citizens.
Here are just a few that come to mind.
Senator Barack Obama is to be the first black President of
the United States. However, he was born
in Kenya, which means he is not a natural born citizen, which is a
constitutional requirement for the Office of the President. Numerous lawsuits have been mounted - one
federal and the others in several states - to disqualify him from the
presidency due to his not being a natural born citizen.
The federal case was brought my noted attorney Phillip J. Berg. Berg announced that Obama had failed or
refused to respond in a timely manner to his Request for Admissions, which means
that according to the law, Obama admitted that he is not qualified to be
President! Nevertheless, the case was
dismissed on the grounds that Phillip J. Berg has no standing to bring a
lawsuit against Obama in this matter! In
other words, according to the courts, ordinary people do not have any standing
to sue to ensure that candidates for President of the United States are
constitutionally qualified for that office!
Only other government agencies or officials have standing.
This means that only the government can challenge the
legitimacy of a candidate, and if it doesn’t do so, then an illegal candidate
can become President of the United States!
Where is the justice in that?
As of this writing, the state cases are still pending.
In Florida, a 66-year-old man who was imprisoned without
bail for contempt of court because he was unable to comply with a court order
to re-sod his lawn, since he was too poor to be able to afford to do it. He was not even allowed to post bail. This man would have been left in jail
forever, if his friends, family and neighbors hadn’t come to his rescue by
donating materials and labor to put fresh sod on his front lawn.
Then there is the dismissal of murder charges against seven
police officers that eyewitnesses testified to seeing fatally shoot two
innocent men, during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
Additionally, there have been numerous reports throughout
the country of police invading the wrong home based on anonymous tips that
drugs were at the location, without first identifying themselves, then killing
the home’s inhabitant when he or she shot at the offending invaders, thinking
they were burglars. Most of these
police officers are still on the streets, available to murder more innocent
Amerikans when the opportunity presents itself.
Police are seldom if ever criminally prosecuted for their
excessive use of force, especially including Tasers, even when the results of
their brutality are the death of the victim.
A 16-year-old boy who had fallen from a bridge was tasered 19 times
while he was lying on the ground! A
distraught man standing on top of a roof fell to his death after a cop tasered
him. He wasn’t threatening anyone but
himself! Why was it necessary to kill
him? Campus police in Texas recently
tasered a 16-year-old student for not obeying police orders! In Los Angeles, a student was tasered
repeatedly and other students who challenged the police officers’ authority to
do so were threatened with the same treatment if they didn’t shut their mouths!
Nevertheless, not one of the officers who perpetrated these
heinous acts has been criminally prosecuted for his actions. Not one.
As a matter of fact, the only time in recent memory I can
say with certainty that a government official was jailed was in the case of two
United States Border Patrol Agents who successfully stopped the smuggling of
drugs into the country by a foreigner trying to illegally enter the United
States. The Department of InJustice
decided that these two agents should be prosecuted for violating the rights of
the Mexican who invaded our country while transporting illegal drugs here.
I could go on with many more examples, but suffice it to say
that the united States of America has evolved into the Fascist States of
Amerika, where innocent people can have police officers stop them and demand
they produce their papers; citizens are arrested and incarcerated for what they
think, rather than what they do; people’s property is stolen and their lives
are destroyed by the criminal Internal Revenue Service, which extorts the fruit
of their labor, which in America is supposed to belong to the individual who
earns it.
The lives of ordinary Amerikans are regularly ruined by
government agents, acting through misrepresentation, fraud, deceit, tampering
with evidence, and suborning of witnesses, among many other atrocities, simply
because they refuse to go along quietly with a corrupt, unprincipled and unfree
If you have ever been to court, you have probably
experienced first-hand the injustice of the modern Amerikan judicial system.
For example, if you do not hire an attorney, judges tend to
exercise bias against you when rendering their decisions. Louisiana Appeals Court Judge Edward
Dufresne ordered his clerk to deny all appeals not prepared by an attorney,
without even showing them to any of the Appeals Court judges.
What they never tell you, though, is that by hiring an
attorney, you are considered non compos mentis, which means mentally
incompetent. In other words, you must
waive your rights in order to be represented by an attorney. So Judge Dufresne requires all appellants to
waive their rights before he will even consider their appeal briefs.
Let’s not forget the ruling handed down by U.S. District
Judge Marcia Krieger; who authorized the effective imprisonment in cages of all
protesters at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. Judge Krieger decided that even though
protesters would suffer some infringement on their freedom of expression, it
was justified in order to maintain good security at the event. Judge Krieger advocates taking away freedom
in order to enhance security! Does she
sound more like an Amerikan or a fascist?
California Appeals Court Justice H. Walter Croskey wrote the
decision overturning a lower court’s ruling that dismissed a legislative ban on
parents homeschooling their children.
Justice Croskey’s decision paved the way for parents who teach their own
children to be imprisoned by the state.
In his decision, Justice Croskey wrote, “A primary purpose of the
educational system is to train schoolchildren… in loyalty to the state.” The subsequent reversal of his ruling does
not change the fact that Judge Croskey believes that individual Amerikans have
a duty to be loyal to the State, just like a good communist.
Perhaps the most egregious example of judicial tyranny came
in the 2005 ruling in the Kelo v. City of New London case, in which U.S.
Supreme Court Justices John Paul Stevens, Anthony M. Kennedy, David H. Souter,
Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer ruled that under eminent domain laws,
a local government may claim private property and turn it over to private
developers. These five men and women
single-handedly disregarded the fundamental principles of a free society in
favor of their personal socialistic viewpoints.
These are only a few examples of the injustice meted out by
the current Amerikan judicial system.
There are many more. The
injustice of Amerika continues to run roughshod on the people, thereby
depriving them of their lives, their liberty, and their property.
The only way this will ever change is if the people stand up
and refuse to comply with unjust rulings.
When a court tells attorney Phillip J. Berg that he has no standing to
sue to compel Barack Obama to prove he is constitutionally eligible to occupy
the Office of the President of the United States, then Mr. Berg and large
numbers of ordinary citizens need forcibly enter the courthouse, physically arrest
and imprison the judge or judges who dismissed the case, and inform - not
request - the powers that be that We the People will not permit Obama to be our
President, unless and until he can prove to our satisfaction that he is a natural born citizen, as
required by our Constitution.
Until the Amerikan people rise up and rebel against the
rampant injustice that exists in their country, there will be no relief for
them, and unless they take corrective and if necessary, violent corrective
action, the situation will only get worse.
The problems of injustice that face the fascist society that
we call modern Amerika cannot be changed through discussion or political
efforts; we have tried that for decades.
When criminals occupy the government, then pleading for them to obey the
law is pointless and doomed to failure.
Like a cancer, judicial criminals need to be cut out of the body of
society. This cannot be accomplished
While you consider the message of this commentary, I
urge you to make a commitment - today - that you will no longer tolerate any
injustice. It matters not the degree of
the injustice. The only thing that
matters is for you to take a stand for truth, freedom, and justice for all