Treaty of Peace 2020!

In 2018, on December 7, (a day said to “Live in Infamy”) five patriots, Phil Hudok, Gene Stalnaker, Alicia Lutz-Rolow, Leonard Frank house of Harview, and Keith Lawrence Moore, began on behalf of all Americans, especially the children, a counter-offer to the flagrant and willful un/non Constitutional actions and inactions of those proclaiming Lawful and Legitimate Authority by, under, through and pursuant to the Constitution for the United States of America c1819.

Utilizing the most ancient and time-tested customs of man, these four men and one woman demanded a showing of proof of legitimacy for the current actions, inactions, processes, constructs and procedures of the alleged “Lawful and Legitimate Authority.”

Sadly, but not surprisingly, there was no response by the agents! Could it be that while required to, they didn’t answer because they had no answer?

A good-faith and clean-hands opportunity was graciously afforded to respond and/or offer proof of their various claims strictly according to the terms in a counter-offer. Sadly, but not surprisingly, there was again complete silence.

A third and final offer for a full settlement to afford the Americans complete and absolute remedy was presented in good-faith with clean-hands. This was fully compliant within the framework of the counter-offer, and also compliant with the ancient customs of man.

The breaches were then filed in demand and complaint format to an independent third party in compliance with the counter-offer. They were afforded full opportunity to reply and appear yet failed to do either.

On August 19, 2019 an award was issued and affirmed that the contract was valid, enforceable and was procured absent fraud. Further, it affirmed that they failed to contest or respond at any time during the dispute. The award named 3 remedies specifically.

It is important to note that the Arbitrator’s Decision and Award is final. No action is permitted in perpetuity to contest the Arbitration Award in any manner or form.

To view and access what it all means and what you can do, use the following link: www.hudok.info if for some reason unavailable, www.scannedretina.com.

All Americans will be granted an opportunity to stand-up and demand full settlement of the award. This is your opportunity to accept the “Free-will” Birth-right granted to all, by the Creator

Are you a present day Restorer of Free Will, granted by the Creator and espoused by the Founding Fathers?

All Americans have the privilege to opt-in by the December 25th deadline. The dedicated website, www.hudok.info, contains documents, articles, and videos for total comprehension of the why, how, and what happened and what Treaty of Peace 2020 means to those who opt-in.

Visit the website and do your homework. After that, email us with any legitimate questions you may have at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./

Lord willing, your actions will not only benefit you, but assist in securing a future for our posterity. Treaty of Peace 2020 serves the unlawful establishment notice that there are those who refuse to accept their voided contract any longer.

On behalf of all five, let your voices finally be heard loud and clear.

Mark Lerner’s Comparison of Treaty of Peace 2020 and the Early Church

In my humble opinion the Treaty of Peace 2020 is very similar to what the Apostles had to do in order to preach the Gospel as they were told to do by Christ Jesus.

The primary contention of Brother Phil Hudok and others is that our Constitution has been voided by elected officials and others who have violated the Constitution by doing such things as creating the Federal Reserve. There is no provision and has never been a provision that allows for the creation of the Federal Reserve. The framers of the Constitution provided for the Constitution to be amended, but not to be ignored. The underlying argument is our Constitution is a contract, and the contract has been broken, thus voiding the Constitution/contract.

The Apostles based on the teaching of Christ Jesus understood there was no need to continue circumcision or the sacrificing of animals. The blood of Christ Jesus was payment for all sins, past, present, and future. God had a covenant with the Jewish people. God did not break the covenant, but in fact honored the covenant by the virgin birth, death on the Cross, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. God told what we now refer to as the Jewish people that Christ Jesus would come in the Old Testament. The crucifixion of Christ Jesus with criminals (Isaiah 53:12) and resurrection of Christ Jesus (Psalm 16:10 and Psalm 49:15) was prophesied. In Micah 5:2 God told us that Christ Jesus would be born in Bethlehem.

The Apostles understood they would have to defy the Pharisees/Rabbis to fulfill what Christ Jesus had told them to do. The argument is much the same as we see today with what Brother Phil is doing. The authority for the Apostles was Christ Jesus, not the Rabbis. The Rabbis did not understand, or did not want to understand that Christ Jesus was the authority, not themselves. The old ways of the Rabbis was correct until Christ Jesus had proven he was and is, Lord and Savior. Christ Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies regarding the coming of Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

In the same way that the Old Testament was correct in terms of dictating authority and other areas, it was the beginning, not the final word or authority. The Old Testament was and is a building block necessary to understand God's complete plan. With the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies God kept His covenant, but the Rabbis/Pharisees ignored God, and His prophetic Word, for their own personal reasons.

The Apostles did what they were commanded to do by Christ Jesus. This meant standing up to the Rabbis/Pharisees and declaring that the Rabbis/Pharisees no longer had authority. Brother Phil and others are doing the same today. Those who understand the Constitution has been ignored in much the same way the Rabbis/Pharisees ignored the prophetic pronouncements of God Almighty, have no other choice but to renounce their citizenship of the United States, to honor their citizenship in His Kingdom.

Recent Treaty of Peace 2020 Video: Points Of Claim + Scriptures And Maxims = Checkmate https://youtu.be/unBKzLrJjGs

The antidote to tyranny is Treaty of Peace 2020. On December 7, 2018, a day said to live in infamy, the document, Conditional Acceptance for Value upon Proof of Claim, left West Virginia and was hand delivered to the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the so-called constitutional government in Washington, D.C. 573 points of claim, supported by 400 maxims, 70 Scripture references, and the entire KJV Bible went unanswered. No lawful authorization for government actions outlined by the 573 points of claim has to this day, more than ten months later, ever been presented. After exhausting all Article 3 Section 2avenues for redress of grievances, a new lawful contract J3:16fGsltwthghobS was formed and an award was ordered through arbitration.

The result is known as Treaty of Peace 2020 and its provisions are available to every American via opt-in. Above all else, it means free will, via your true birth-right as heir of the Creator. The ramifications are immense and many. Do your due diligence by examining the dedicated website www.hudok.info and then direct any questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Creator’s blessings require responsibilities. Decide for yourself. The Lord’s free will blessing and responsibility is incorporated into Treaty of Peace 2020.