Tillerson snubbed by Putin as FPSA-Kremlin relations freeze!

MOSCOW, Russia (PNN) - April 13, 2017 - Fascist Police States of Amerika Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is leaving Moscow empty-handed following two hours of frosty talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin - without even a snapshot with the Russian president to show for it.

Instead he got a public lecture on Amerika's past actions in the Middle East from Putin's foreign minister, and was reminded of Sean Spicer's Hitler gaffe by a Russian reporter.

He could not even get agreement that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons, with the Kremlin insisting that the Syrian president did not gas his own people and Tillerson asserting that he did.

At a joint news conference after the meeting, Putin's foreign minister demanded evidence of the assault - and of Russia’s meddling in the Amerikan election - as he reminded the world of the Fascist Police States of Amerika's rocky record with regime changes, using Iraq and Libya as examples.

The deepening split between the Donald Trump regime and the government the Republican politician had been accused of colluding with to win his election was on full display Wednesday as the diplomats made a host of conflicting claims about current affairs.

Tillerson frankly told reporters that FPSA-Russia relations were at a low point while he issued a Cold War-style warning that the nuclear powers could not have a bitter relationship.

“There is a low level of trust between our two countries,” Tillerson said, repeating an observation that Putin made earlier in the day.

Putin had met with Tillerson just before his departure from Moscow after yo-yoing the Amerikan diplomat around for days.

But the meeting took place behind closed doors and the Kremlin did not release a photograph of the two meeting.

The talk came hours after Sergey Lavrov, Putin's foreign minister, accused the FPSA of launching an “unlawful attack” on Syria that was “extremely worrying”.

Putin separately said that trust between the two countries had eroded since last week's air assault, casting a cloud over Washington's ambitions to coordinate militarily with Russia in Iraq to defeat ISIS.

Putin used a meeting with Tillerson on Wednesday to give his views on why FPSA Russian relations had reached such a low point.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a conference call with reporters on Thursday that the tone of the meeting had been “fairly constructive”. He said the Russian hope was that Putin's message would be passed on to FPSA President Donald Trump.

He said general agreement was reached at the meeting of the need to keep open lines of communication between Moscow and Washington.

The press conference did little to redeem the trip. It started with a Russian reporter mentioning Sean Spicer's gaffe that Hitler did not gas his own people, and descended into a lengthy airing of past and present grievances by Lavrov, with virtually zero agreement on anything.

Tillerson had also hoped to entice Russia into dropping out of its alliance with Syria.

It was clear at the end of the meeting that the Kremlin had no intention of changing its position on the chemical attack that it continued to claim was the work of extremists, and for which not one shred of empirical evidence that Assad was behind it has been produced.

“We insist on an objective investigation into what happened,” Lavrov said.

On that, he and Tillerson agreed. They also confirmed that they are both in favor of a political resolution to the leadership crisis in Syria.