The Secret to Sovereignty!

By Michael Badnarik

I am subjected to a constant stream of e-mail and telephone calls asking numerous "How do I?" questions. "How do I drive my car without a license?" "How do I stop filling out my 1040 form?" "How do I carry my gun without a concealed carry permit?" There is no piece of paper that you can sign and mail that is going to make the government go away and leave you alone. If there were such a document, that is the class I would be teaching, and it would cost you 100 ounces of silver to sit your butt in my class. I am hoping, however, that you will eventually be able to answer each of the above questions yourself. No one can answer them for you.

There are nearly 1.5 billion Chinese people. I've never been to China, but it is my understanding that they live under a totalitarian Communist regime. It is also my understanding that the average standard of living is very low. My guess is that the number of people who are actually in charge of that government is relatively small… perhaps as low as 3,000. Mathematically, the population is several orders of magnitude larger than the people who claim to be in control. Assuming my estimate is correct, there are half a million people for each person claiming to be in control. Even if there are 3 million people who comprise the government, if push ever comes to shove, the population would win without question.

How can such a large disparity continue to exist? Sadly, the answer is that most of the Chinese population believes that this is the way things are, and that they are powerless to do anything about it. The Chinese are subordinate and subservient to their government simply because they think they should be. What would happen if I could magically teach that population overnight that they have the power (and responsibility) to stand up for their individual rights? What would happen if the entire Chinese population woke up tomorrow morning and said, "No more! We're no longer willing to live under a Communist regime!" I think it is safe to say that the members of that totalitarian regime would be crawling through the sewer system trying to avoid detection.

You can only be dominated by someone else when you are willing to be submissive.

The population of the United States is slightly larger than 300 million, or one-fifth the population of China. When I tell my story about the 1,500 million Chinese people, some of you will feel sorry for those "poor bastards" that are too ignorant to realize they are far more powerful as a group than the tiny fraction of people by which they are subjugated. "Why don't they stand up and defend themselves?" you might ask. I ask the same question about the "poor bastards" here in the United States, who blissfully fill out their tax forms every April, and submissively comply with every statute, code and ordinance handed down by federal, state, county, and city bureaucrats who (sincerely) believe that they are smart enough to make decisions about your life.

Does the FDA really have the authority to prevent you from drinking raw milk? Does the federal government really have the power to force you into healthcare insurance that you don't want or can't afford? Are you really going to stand there and submit to mandatory injections, or passively accept the universal RFID chip under your skin? If so, then sovereignty is most assuredly not for you. Stop reading this article and look furtively in all directions to make sure nobody saw you reading it. You are already a slave and you shouldn't get caught reading objectionable literature such as this.

For the rest of you, get ready for a serious reality check. The path to sovereignty is not about the destination. The secret is in the journey. When people ask me, "Michael, how do we solve this problem and get our Liberty back?" I tell them, "I have the answer - but you're not going to like it." (For more information on the book, The Secret of Sovereignty, click here.

Ed. Note: The secret to sovereignty lies in your commitment to living as a sovereign, regardless of the consequences of doing so. You will claim your sovereignty when you stop acting like a subject, and start acting like royalty - the king or queen of your own life. It really is as simple as that.

“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”  Frederick Douglass