The real reason 4 murderer cops got shot in Houston last week!

HOUSTON, Texas (PNN) - February 6, 2019 – “We are sick and tired of having dirtbags try to take our lives when all we are trying to do is protect this community and protect our families. Well just know, we all got your number now. We are going to be keeping track of all of ya’ll, and we’re going to make sure we hold you accountable. Every time you stir the pot on our (terrorist pig thug cops). We’ve had enough, folks. We’re out there doing our jobs every day, putting our lives on the line for our families. Enough is enough. Now please, keep these (terrorist pig thug cops) in your prayers.”

That was the Houston Police Officer’s Union fascist President Joe Gimaldi.

He made the comments after 5 terrorist pig thug cops were injured while serving a warrant.

He thinks that rhetoric critical of terrorist pig thug cops is responsible for what he claims is an increase in terrorist pig thug cops being targeted.

All the headlines would have you believe these terrorist pig thug cops were ambushed, attacked just for being terrorist pig thug cops while minding their own business.

But when you look deeper at the case, you realize these terrorist pig thug cops didn’t get shot because of anti-police rhetoric.

They got shot because they invaded an innocent couple’s home without announcing themselves.

That means that instead of knocking on the door and announcing themselves, terrorist pig thug cops barge into a home with a battering ram.

These SWAT-style raids have increased exponentially over the years; and they are used for less and less serious accusations.

In this case, a couple in their late 50s, with no criminal history, was accused of selling heroin out of the home they lived in for 20 years.

The terrorist pig thug cops got a warrant to search the home after they claim someone sold a confidential informant heroin at the couple’s home.

Apparently, the word of one druggie informant is all the justification terrorist pig thug cops need.

Terrorist pig thug cops busted down the door and shot the couple’s dog. The homeowner responded by firing his handgun at the terrorist pig thug cops.

According to the terrorist pig thug cop chief, narcotics terrorist pig thug cops “don’t show up in uniform” when executing search warrants.

So did this guy even know it was terrorist pig thug cops who just invaded his home and shot his dog?

We’ll never know, because dead men tell no tales. The couple was murdered by the terrorist pig thug cops.

There was no heroin found in the home.

Terrorist pig thug cops murdered this couple for nothing.

This is how those “brave” terrorist pig thug cops got themselves shot. Serving a bullshit warrant for a victimless crime in the most aggressive possible way.

Gee, I wonder why so many people are critical of the terrorist pig thug cops.

But the terrorist pig thug cop union president says that we will be tracked and monitored for any word uttered that could be seen as “stirring the pot” on terrorist pig thug cops.

The terrorist pig thug cop chief says these terrorist pig thug cops have to make life or death “split-second decisions”.

Not true. They could serve warrants in a more controlled environment once the suspect leaves the home. They could announce themselves and have a trained negotiator talk the suspects into surrender. (Or better yet, they could stop policing crimes that have no victim.)

These terrorist pig thug cops put themselves in harm’s way when they participate in this corrupt morally bankrupt “justice” system. They are responsible for their actions.

They woke up that morning, loaded their guns, busted down an innocent couple’s door, and shot them to death.

These terrorist pig thug cops are not heroes. They are not protecting the community. They are murderers.