The prepper civil unrest checklist!

December 19, 2016 - Civil unrest used to be something we read about online, happening in distant countries like Egypt or Brazil.

But more and more over the past few years, we’ve seen it erupt right here in the streets of Amerika. The last thing you want to do is to be stuck in the middle of it, so the best thing you can do is to get prepared so you can ride out the storm from home.

We need to be ready for any unrest that comes our way. The governments of Germany and the Czech Republic have told their citizens to stock up on food, water, and basic survival supplies in case of a national emergency. We need to be doing the same.

If you don’t want to invest in a class, use this free handy checklist to make sure you’ll have everything you need.

Make sure everything is in order. While it’s unlikely that services like Internet, electricity, and municipal water will be affected, it doesn’t hurt to be ready for that possibility. The key here is to make certain you don’t have to leave your home for the duration of the unrest, should it come your way.

  • Check your pantry and fill any gaps in your food preps.
  • Order emergency food buckets.
  • Get your water preps in order.
  • Get cash in small denominations out of the bank.
  • Make sure you have enough garbage bags, pet supplies, and toiletries.
  • Pick up a copy of a comprehensive preparedness guide like The Prepper’s Blueprint.
  • Check your supply of candles, matches and lighters.
  • Flashlight and spare batteries and/or dynamo wind up flashlights.
  • If you have an alternate heat source make sure you have enough fuel to power it
  • Make sure all electronics are fully charged and keep them charged during the lead-up to an event.
  • Make sure any cell phone battery packs are fully charged.
  • Fill your gas tank up to the max.
  • If your vehicle isn’t in a garage park it trunk end in as close to a wall as you can. This makes it harder to get to the tank to either steal the fuel or set fire to it.
  • Check your home security - walk around looking at your property as if you were a burglar and take appropriate action to improve security if required.
  • Have something on hand for the children to do in case of school closures.
  • Make sure you have a fully stocked first aid kit and enough OTC medications to last your family for at least a month.
  • Check and clean your firearms and be prepared to defend your family if trouble comes to you.
  • Pick up some extra ammo.
  • Plan to keep pets indoors.
  • Make sure you have enough of needed prescription medications to last a few weeks.

None of these preps is outrageous. They’re all things that you’ll use at some point if things remain peaceful. These preparations are reasonable and will stand you in good stead for any type of emergency.