AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands (PNN) - September 15, 2018 - The Netherlands just announced that it is ending its support for al-Qaeda's propaganda gang, the "White Helmets". It also ends its support for the so called Free Syrian Police. Last week the Netherlands shut down its non lethal support for the Free Syrian Army after Dutch news organizations found that members of these groups were accused of terrorism by their General Prosecutor.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ended the support for the White Helmets after its Directorate for International Research and Policy Evaluation issued a critical report about them. For the White Helmets, which had received 12.5 million euros from the Dutch government, it lists the following issues:
- According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the supervision of the behavior of the rescue workers is inadequate. The organization that supervises, Mayday, based in the Netherlands, is closely intertwined with the White Helmets itself. In practice, donors do not understand the difference between the two organizations.
- Mayday wants to spend a maximum of .9% of its budget on supervision of the work of the White Helmets. That is why there is a lack of independent supervision of the activities and results of the project.
- The money for the White Helmets is transferred to the Syrian border in cash or enters the country via the hawala system. It is problematic that Mayday does not know how much money is paid via which route. That is why there is a danger that money has fallen into the hands of armed groups. The cash flow can also indirectly be used for illegal trade. Systematic control of the money flow is missing.
- The White Helmets are active in areas where armed groups are in power that are considered unacceptable for the Netherlands. Contact between the White Helmets and local administrators who work together with extremist organizations is inevitable.
The seemingly intentional lack of transparency practically guarantees that much of the more than $150 million the White Helmets received from various governments will have flown into the private pockets of the people who organize the scam.