by Brent Johnson
Recently I was traveling with a companion from Colorado to Phoenix, Arizona. Since she had never been through this part of America I thought she might enjoy a brief stopover at Four Corners. This unusual spot rests at the intersection of four states (Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico). I thought she might have some fun, standing in four states at one time; it would only take us a few minutes, then we would be on our way again.
As I approached the site I saw a sign: cars $1.50 each. We both decided not to pay the fee and so my friend never got to experience this piece of Americana. We continued on our way, somewhat disappointed but mostly disgusted at the way in which our beautiful country has been turned into a juggernaut of commerce. I also noticed that a Native American was collecting the fees at Four Corners. What a tragedy, that people whose heritage rests in respect and care for the land are now collecting fees, just for viewing the land.
What have we come to in America, that we permit this terrible abuse to take place. Why do we cooperate with this behavior? In America, the public lands belong to the public. This is my land, your land, our land. Why should I have to pay to enjoy my own land?
Over the past few years the entire American national park system has been turned over to the international banking community. Yellowstone - one of our most spectacular national parks - has been renamed Yellowstone International Park and is now under the authority of the United Nations. As a matter of fact, all of our national parks have been placed as collateral for the federal debt! This is a debt which has been fabricated by private international bankers in cooperation with the United States federal government, and is being used to justify giving away property which belongs to the American people!
Further, it is not your debt, nor is it mine. There is no national debt; only a federal debt. The current banking system permits private bankers to create credit money out of thin air then charge you interest on the money. Except, the interest is never printed and never placed into circulation! Therefore, the only way the American people can pay their debts is through property foreclosure. Unbelievable as this may sound, it is absolutely true and well documented.
How can you allow foreigners who do not share the American dream but rather revile it, to control the issue of your currency, with which you survive? Why do you permit people whose personal agenda is to control all American property, to dictate the terms by which we can experience the most beautiful land areas in our great country?
Federal government officials have committed numerous acts of treason over the past 137 years. Any Act of Congress which violates the restrictions imposed by the Constitution for the United States, is an act against the Supreme Law of the Land, and constitutes nothing less than treason. Don't be afraid of the word. Say it a few times - treason, treason, TREASON. There is nothing mysterious or unspeakable about the word or its meaning. Simply put, treason means violating the law in such a way as to undermine the very foundation on which a country has been built.
In America, we are a government of law, not men. This means that all government officials must obey the Supreme Law of the Land (the Constitution) at all times. It means that the men (and women) who are currently in positions of authority within the government, do not have any discretionary powers allowing them to sidestep the U.S. Constitution, and that when they violate this supreme Law, they commit an act of aggression against all of the American people, and especially the Founding Fathers who fought and died to establish and preserve a society in which all of the people are the rulers and all government officials are their servants.
I am proud to say that I am an American and I refuse to pay park fees. I intentionally do not deposit money in the place designated for such fees. If I receive a citation, I abate the proceeding and never pay a fine. I have never agreed to pay a fee to enjoy my own land, and I never will. If more Americans would stop cooperating with government efforts to steal their property, we would restore America's health and wealth in very short order. If Americans stopped playing "tourist" and simply refused to pay these fees, the government would have no choice but to return our property to its rightful owners - the American people.
What will it take to rouse you to action? How bad does it have to become before you consider the matter sufficiently important to do something about? Will it be when they come to take your private property? By then it will probably be too late.
I encourage you begin today to firmly resist government takeover of American public lands. Contact your political servants and tell them - don't ask them - that they must stop giving your property away to foreigners. Tell them that you refuse to pay one red cent to enjoy the land which your forefathers fought and died to preserve for you. Inform them that their efforts to subjugate American public lands will be met with the fiercest resistance, and that if they do not take positive action to wrest our national park system back from the hands of the private international banking cartel, you will see to it that they are thrown out of office and discredited. Don't take no for an answer.
I implore you to listen to the cries of American patriots like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Molly Pitcher, Thomas Paine, Paul Revere, and Benjamin Franklin. These great men and women are turning over in their graves. Was their fight for nothing? Was their struggle without purpose? Were their sacrifices in vain?
America is the greatest country in the world. Within her borders is some of the most beautiful land in the world. What a tragedy, if we lose our land, our property, our heritage, through inaction. What a crime, if we accept and allow the people who we have allowed to run our government for us, to steal our property and hand it over to foreigners who neither share our history, nor care about our freedom.
America is crying out to you. Hear her cries. Help her heal. Restore the American dream.