TIJUANA, Mexico (PNN) - December 2, 2018 - Thousands of migrant invaders trying to rush the Fascist Police States of Amerika border via Mexico are reportedly now having to undergo medical treatment because they’re infected with life-threatening diseases, according to figures just released from Tijuana’s Health Department.
Officials in Mexico say that at least one third of the illegal caravan’s 6,000 members are suffering from HIV, tuberculosis, or one or more of a number of other serious illnesses that are putting local populations at risk of infection.
“There are three confirmed cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS, and four separate cases of chickenpox,” explains a Tijuana Health Department spokesman. “At least 101 migrants have lice and multiple instances of skin infections. There’s also a threat of Hepatitis outbreak due to unsanitary conditions.”
Since there’s nowhere else to house these infected people, hordes of them are currently occupying the Benito Juarez Sports Complex near the San Ysidro FPSA-Mexico Port of Entry, even though the facility is only capable of handling a maximum of 1,000 people.
Many of these “poor women and children,” as Amerika’s fake news media is calling them, have extremely poor hygiene standards. Thousands of mostly younger men are reportedly coughing and spitting so much around Tijuana that officials there have had to put up “No Spitting” signs as a deterrent.
Meanwhile, local governments in Tijuana are running out of money as they attempt to deal with this illegal invasion.
“We won’t compromise the resources of the residents of Tijuana,” stated Juan Manuel Gastelum, Tijuana’s mayor, adding that the city is having to spend roughly $30,000 per day keeping the place livable in spite of the invasion.
“We won’t raise taxes tomorrow to pay for today’s problem,” he added.
Since repeated attempts by “bleeding heart” leftists to let these hordes of illegals into the FPSA have thus far failed, the corrupt FPSA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is doing its part to destroy the country by actually flying these diseased criminals into the country and shipping them to CDC medical facilities for treatment.
Reports indicate that the CDC is taking the diseased migrants to Georgia, where they’re now receiving medical care paid for by FPSA taxpayers.
“I think we will see many more flights bringing communicably sick illegals from the border to various military bases and then on to hospitals in the area,” one report explains.
Our government has been flying in dangerously ill illegals into the (FPSA) for a long time… most especially from Africa. It is a classified program.
President Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that he will not allow this illegal caravan to enter the FPSA, warning that its members include dangerous and violent criminals of the likes of MS-13 - not to mention other violent criminals from overseas.
“You’re going to find MS-13, you’re going to find Middle Eastern, you’re going to find everything,” the president said.
“(FPSA) Border Patrol agents have arrested a member of the infamous Salvadoran MS-13 gang who admitted to authorities that he traveled with a caravan of Central American migrants who were hoping to qualify for asylum in (the FPSA).”