Bob Barr, the former congressman from the 7th District of Georgia and one of the prosecutors in the impeachment trial of former president Bill Clinton, speaks candidly about the current state of the U.S. economy, the condition of Congress, and what we have to look forward to in modern Amerika.
In this interview, the former congressman pulls no punches; he addresses issues of great concern to all freedom-loving Amerikans. He also offers his views on the current sociopolitical state of Amerika, including his thoughts on the militarization of the police and the reckless and frequently unconstitutional behavior of United States Executive Branch elected and appointed officials and employees.
He discusses the Transportation Security Administration’s current enhanced pat down procedures, which Amerikans are being forced to endure if they want to fly anywhere. He also touches on the military attitude of police throughout the country, and how thug cops that assault and batter innocent citizens are emerging from every corner of the United States.
Bob Barr has established a reputation for consistently espousing truly conservative viewpoints.