Texas Super Highway deal with Spain is back!

Fascist Governor Rick Perry lied when he pledged to end the project.

AUSTIN, Texas (PNN) - December 28, 2012 - Believe it or not, the Trans-Texas Corridor is back.

Very quietly, Texas Governor Rick Perry and the Texas Department of Transportation, or TxDOT, signed in October a comprehensive development agreement to construct a toll-road redevelopment of Interstate 35 north of downtown Fort Worth.

TxDOT signed the 50-year deal with NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC, a Fascist Police States of Amerika-based wholly owned subsidiary of Cintra, the Spanish-owned construction company. TxDOT picked Cintra in 2005 to build what many people called the “NAFTA Super Highway”.

Perry may never have abandoned his original idea to build what during the presidential regime of George W. Bush was known as the Trans-Texas Corridor project, a 4,000-mile network of privately built and operated toll roads to crisscross the state, with Spanish development company Cintra scheduled to earn the tolls under 50-year leases.

Despite Perry’s pledge in 2009 to end the Trans-Texas Corridor project with Cintra, TxDOT has kept the public-private partnership toll road concept alive by proposing smaller projects for the approval of the Texas state legislature.

In October, Perry and Rafael del Pino, chairman of Ferrovial, Cintra’s parent company in Spain, attended the grand launch of a 41-mile stretch of State Highway 130 P3 project between Austin and Sequin.

Texas owns the land on which the SH 130 P3 project is built, but a private consortium owned and operated by Cintra is scheduled to build the toll road. It’s to be operated under a 50-year lease, with Cintra taking the lion’s share of the tolls collected over the next 50 years to recover construction costs and to make a profit.

The full TTC build-out was designed to move goods through Texas rapidly, bypassing the major cities.