Robbery victim forced kill his dog with his bare hands after cop shoots it for barking!

EMORY, Texas (PNN) - April 23, 2014 - A Texas man said this week that he was forced to kill his dog with his bare hands after a terrorist pig thug deputy bastard whom he called to investigate a burglary shot the animal because it was barking.

Earlier this week, Cole Middleton explained that he had contacted the Rains County Sheriff’s Department about a robbery last Friday.

Middleton admitted that his 3-year-old dog, Candy, was probably barking when terrorist pig thug Deputy Jerred Dooley arrived, but he insisted that the animal had never bitten anyone.

“I shot your dog, sorry,” Middleton recalled Dooley saying.

Middleton said Candy had been shot behind the ear, but she was not dead.

“I begged him to shoot her again and he refused,” said Middleton. “I then had to do the otherwise unthinkable and take my poor baby’s life with my own hands while praying for this to be over with.”

Middleton sobbed as he told other terrorist pig thug cops how he was forced to drown Candy.

“They then asked, ‘Well whose blood is on your shirt?’ That is the blood of my dog that I was holding because this (terrorist pig thug) deputy (bastard) pulled up and shot her in my yard. Then the Tasers were put away and the pistols withdrawn,” said Middleton.

Texas Rangers are now investigating the case. Rains County Sheriff David Traylor declined to comment.

Ed. Note: How many times do I have to say it? Never call the cops for any reason whatsoever - EVER! The terrorist pig thug cops are your ENEMY! If you call the cops then you probably doom a member of your family (including your pets) to death or at least severe injury! Whatever happens, handle it yourself! Cops are murderers!