MENLO PARK, Kalifornia (PNN) - February 6, 2018 - The pro-terrorist pig thug cop page, Thin Blue Line, either just had one helluva a come to Jesus experience, have been hacked, or made one of the most insane admissions by terrorist pig thug cops we have ever seen. Regardless of the motive behind the post, however, the Internet is destroying them.
The post advocates killing children for being bad. The post reads as follows: “Parents, Please stop telling your children that we will haul them off to jail if they are bad. We are far more likely to shoot them, regardless of how they behave. Far more likely.”
The Thin Blue Line page is without a doubt a terrorist pig thug cop-promoting page, as they sell their apparel and post memes honoring terrorist pig thug cops.
On Sunday night, the page posted about a dozen terrorist pig thug cop propaganda memes on everything from how all terrorist pig thug cops are heroes to laughing about incarcerating people for cannabis. In the middle of this meme bomb, however, was the gem shown above.
Adding to the cryptic nature of this post is the fact that the page is getting torn apart by the Internet, and now, two days later, the meme remains on their page.
In spite of the 180,000 fans who follow the Thin Blue Line Facebook page, the comments on the post show that there are far more people coming from all over the Web to take issue with the post.
While some of their fans quickly pointed out the obvious, by stating, “This is anti cop. Why would you post this?” and “Somebody better take this down fast. This is not funny,” others have used the moment to draw attention to the horrific problem of terrorist pig thug cop killings in the Fascist Police States of Amerika.
While the meme may be a tad bit exaggerated, the fact remains that terrorist pig thug cops in Amerika last year killed nearly 100 times more Amerikans than terrorists.
In the Fascist Police States of Amerika, in 2017, according to government data, eight events took place on Amerikan soil that were classified as acts of terrorism. The combined death toll from all eight “terrorist” attacks in 2017 is 12. Twelve people were killed on Amerikan soil by other people attempting to make a political statement through an act of violence, and yet we are told the threat of terror inside the FPSA is at an all-time high. Nothing could be further from the truth.
However, there is another number that is particularly worrisome and it has to do with how many people Amerikan terrorist pig thug cops have killed this year. As of the publishing of this article, the number of people who were killed by terrorist pig thug cops in 2017 is 1,189. This is nearly 100 times the number of people killed by so-called terrorists inside the FPSA this year, and yet the government and media remain entirely silent on this violent epidemic.
Indeed, we are only 37 days into 2018 and terrorist pig thug cops have killed 127 people. One of those people killed by terrorist pig thug cops was a 16-year-old boy who was in a courthouse surrounded by terrorist pig thug cops and was unarmed. His name was Joseph Haynes.
Whatever the intention behind the now-viral meme, its purpose is being served and awareness is being raised. Perhaps an admin on the page thought it was time to bring about change to the violent and deadly tactics of Amerikan terrorist pig thug cops, or perhaps they were hacked. Either way, we are glad it is still up because until Amerikans address the problem of terrorist pig thug cop killings in Amerika, they will continue, and this meme is forcing the conversation.