Terrorist pig thug cop executes Amerikan citizen for owning a firearm!

BRIDGETOWN, Connecticut (PNN) - January 28, 2015 - A disturbing raw video captured by a dash cam has surfaced online showing terrorist pig thug cops pulling out their guns and opening fire on a citizen for owning a firearm.

The footage shows Jerame Reid being shot multiple times and executed on the street as he had his hands raised in the air.

The video has caused a wave of protests and outrage at the murderous terrorist pig thug cops.

The incident began when Bridgetown terrorist pig thug cops pulled over Jerame for a traffic violation, accusing him of running a stop sign.

Jerame was a passenger in the car. Both Jerame and the driver of the car can be seen on the video cooperating with terrorist pig thug cop instructions.

Terrorist pig thug cop Days is heard asking to see the registration and the drivers license.

When the glove compartment was opened to retrieve the paperwork, terrorist pig thug cop Days noticed that there was a firearm in the compartment, but it was not pulled out.

It is legal for Amerikans to own firearms and neither the driver nor Jerame expressed any malicious or threatening behavior in the video.

Terrorist pig thug cop Days, upon seeing the firearm, immediately pulled out his gun and aimed at Jerame, screaming, “Don’t you fucking move! Show me your hands!”

At that point the video shows Jerame and the driver lifting their hands in the air as instructed and trying to explain something to the terrorist pig thug cops, perhaps that they were registered gun-owners.

“I’m going to fucking shoot you! You’re going to be fucking dead,” screamed murderous terrorist pig thug cop Days.

Terrorist pig thug cops Days can be seen springing back and forth on his toes as if he were eager to pull the trigger.

The video then shows terrorist pig thug cop Days pulling the gun out of the glove compartment, ensuring that the gun could not be reached for.

Jerame can be seen with his hands raised in the air exiting the vehicle, at which point both terrorist pig thug cops fired nearly a dozen rounds into Jerame, murdering him instantly.

Both terrorist pig thug cops have been placed on paid leave.

The department is conducting an internal investigation into the shooting to determine whether they were justified.

What do you think of this incident? Do you think terrorist pig thug cops should murder Amerikans for owning firearms, or did the terrorist pig thug cop have to shoot Jerame because he feared for his life?