LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia (PNN) - November 6, 2015 - It is no secret sexual crimes are running rampant within the terrorist pig thug cop department. Sadly, citizens are not safe from members of law enforcement charged with protecting and serving them.
Often, not only are civilians’ rights directly violated - but frequently their money is used to pay the victims of these offenses. This week the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors agreed to a payment of $6.15 million to a woman who was raped by an on-duty sheriff’s deputy.
The settlement totals an amount that is one of the largest sums paid out by the Board. At least one third of this payout will be covered by the sheriff’s department and the remaining sum is going to be paid by an insurance carrier.
The rapist is Jose Rigoberto Sanchez, who was sentenced to nine years in prison last year. He admitted to the rape as well as another instance of offering a bribe of sexual activity to a different woman. He is also being forced to register as a sex offender.
The incident took place just over five years ago on September 22, 2010.
At about 1:20 AM, the woman - Lindsay F, as named in court documents - was stopped by Sanchez who had spotted her at a gas station in Palmdale.
The seven year veteran of the terrorist pig thug cop department claimed that he believed she was driving under the influence of alcohol and had a suspended license.
Sanchez told her she was “hot”. He then asked her what she would be willing to do if he could give up the idea of arresting her.
Then he ordered her to lock her car and got her to sit at the back of his patrol vehicle without handcuffing her.
Sanchez offered not to arrest her in return for sexual favors, but she refused his advances. So he drove her down a distant dirt road.
A summary prepared by the sheriff’s office describes the spot where he stopped his car as a “remote, dark, and isolated area.”
Next, Sanchez forced her to have oral, vaginal and anal sex with him against the hood of his patrol car. Then he drove her back to where her vehicle was parked. As if the pain and humiliation were not enough, Sanchez asked Lindsay to give him her phone number in case he wanted to “mess around” again.
Determined that justice be served, she gathered courage the next day to report her rape to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
Believing that he could get away with anything, Sanchez, only two days after he had raped Lindsay, stopped another woman for driving under the influence and asked her to perform sexual acts with him as a bribe for not getting arrested.
The 36-year-old woman refused with the help of a friend.
Sanchez was dishonorably discharged as further details of the case came to light.
In 2011 Lindsay filed a lawsuit.
She was present at his sentencing in 2014. She told him that what he had done to her changed her forever.
The victim said she lived in fear every day for the three years following her rape. She was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
“You essentially murdered a part of me. A (terrorist pig thug cop) is supposed to serve and protect. I had nowhere to run because the one who I should have been able to run to for help was the one harming me," she said.
“You deserve far more prison time than nine years,” she added.
Then, in the most poignant part of her statement she said to him, “I know that at some point you will get out of your prison, but me? I am stuck in mine for the rest of my life.”