Terrorist cops who murdered man were in plain clothes!

MIAMI, Florida (PNN) - December 2, 2012 - Three Miami-Dade pig thug cop detectives who pulled up behind Alexis Suarez after he had parked in front of his home last week, blocking his car in, were not wearing uniforms nor did they appear to be wearing badges around their necks, according to sources familiar with the incident.

They were not driving a marked patrol car as they hopped out with their guns drawn, driving instead a black pick-up truck that did not look anything remotely like a cop car.

Pig thug cops say Suarez, a security guard with a concealed weapons permit, pulled out his own gun, which is when they shot him dead.

But his relatives don’t believe he pulled out his gun and if he did, it was because he feared he was being robbed at gunpoint.

Meanwhile, Suarez’s stepdaughter, Liliana Marti, heard the shots, dialed 911 and ran outside with her cell phone, turning it on to record the three plainclothes pig thug cops with their guns still trained on Suarez’s car.

One of the murderous bastard fascist outlaw cops noticed and chased her into the apartment, illegally snatching the phone from her hand against her will.

The terrorist pig thug cops then had her sign a document saying she voluntarily handed over the phone.

Already traumatized from her stepfather’s shooting death and unfamiliar with the language and the laws in this country, having arrived from Cuban just four years ago, Marti signed the paper believing she had no choice.

But she did have a choice because pig thug cops can only confiscate a camera if they have a subpoena or if they are acting under exigent circumstances, believing the evidence will be destroyed.

But now the fear is that the outlaw pig thug terrorist cops will destroy the evidence.

The family has already retained a lawyer who said he is meeting with the Miami-Dade pig thug cop department on Monday in an attempt to get back the phone, hopefully with the video intact.

“We believe it was improperly seized,” said Nelson Rodriguez-Varela.

Others are taking a very pro-pig thug cop approach to the incident, describing Suarez as an “armed suspect” who was “wanted for a crime at Miami International Airport,” where he worked as an armed security guard.

The Miami Herald
hasn’t produced a follow-up to its initial article where they buried the part about the confiscated phone in the 16th paragraph.

Last year after murdering a man, Miami Beach terrorist pig thug cops seized at least two cameras, including one from a man who recorded the shooting and another from a news videographer who was trying to report on the story.

That incident became a national embarrassment to the Miami Beach pig thug cop department, which ended up working with the National Press Photographers Association in drafting a set of guidelines on how pig thug cops should deal with citizens with cameras.

Miami-Dade terrorist pig thug cops have not released many details about the incident at the airport that led to the murder of Suarez but are working on fabricating a story that Suarez had some type of confrontation that sent another employee to the hospital, so the cops were going to arrest him for aggravated battery, which is not the type of crime for which a man would be willing to go down fighting in a hail of bullets, considering it would most likely not result in a jail sentence.

What is needed now is for local media to hammer away at this issue, forcing the truth to come out instead of just acting as a soundboard for the Miami-Dade pig thug cop department’s media relations bureau.