BOSTON, Massachusetts (PNN) - May 16, 2014 - The Boston terrorist pig thug cop department, never one to refrain from intimidating journalists, tried to illegally flex its muscle against reporters from the Bay State Examiner earlier this month as they tried to record some type of training exercise in a parking lot clearly in view from the surrounding public sidewalks.
The beauty of the interaction is the skill Andrew and Maya demonstrate in knowing and understanding the laws and their rights, especially when it comes to what terrorist pig thug cops are required to do when asked for their identification cards.
It’s a good skill to use when terrorist pig thug cops are demanding your identification in situations when you are not legally required to provide it.
Boston terrorist pig thug cop Michael Principe remained uncomfortably close to Andrew, even when Andrew asked him to step back as there is no need to invade the personal space of another just to have a conversation.
But that is just a typical cop intimidation tactic in the hope you might push them off, so they can beat or kill you.
Try doing that to a cop and see how long it takes before you are tasered, beaten, handcuffed or shot because you caused the terrorist pig thug cop to “fear for his life”.
The training exercise, which was meant to train terrorist pig thug cops in how to prepare for a bomb going off in a Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority station, was supposedly open to media, and there was even a sign stating, “observer check-in”.
Eventually, Principe walked away and we were able to record the training exercise for some time without incident. We saw actors covered in fake blood exit the cordoned off area yelling that a bomb had gone off and calling for help. The actors appeared to be heading towards ambulances, but were instead grabbed and detained by terrorist pig thug cops who frisked them and searched their bags, a sight that we found very troubling.
We wondered why the terrorist pig thug cops appeared to be training to detain bombing victims and impede their access to medical treatment. Was the lesson learned from the Boston Marathon bombing really that too many bombing victims were able to get to medical attention without first being intercepted by the terrorist pig thug cops?
Later, we were able to get Principe to get his supervisor, Sergeant Christopher Connolly. Connolly refused to tell Principe to show us his ID card. Instead, Connolly told us we weren’t allowed to record what was going on because he didn’t want “bad guys knowing how we train”. He asked (but did not order) us to leave several times and Andrew declined. Connolly then told Principe to arrest both Andrew and Maya (even though Maya hadn’t declined to leave). Andrew asked why and Connolly claimed we were interfering with the training, which was absurd considering we were standing across the street from where the training was happening, and we had been recording it for quite some time before Connolly decided we were interfering.
It is also worth pointing out that, prior to Connolly telling Principe to arrest us, he had merely requested that Andrew leave. He never claimed that it was illegal to be on the sidewalk prior to authorizing our arrests.
Additionally, according to an article published last year by the Massachusetts Bar Association, there is no law against interfering or obstructing a terrorist pig thug cop in Massachusetts nor is there a common law basis for an interfering or obstructing a terrorist pig thug cop charge.
Connolly backed down from having us arrested and instead led us off the supposedly off-limits sidewalk and into the street where Andrew had been told he couldn’t stand earlier, while making the bizarre claim that we couldn’t stand on a public sidewalk because vehicles would be passing through. He told us we would have to stand on a different street where our view of the training was blocked by construction equipment, making it impossible for us to record what was happening. We left under duress because we didn’t want to have to deal with being arrested, even though we knew the arrests would have been illegal.
Our attempt to record on a public street was ultimately thwarted by extremely hostile and threatening Boston terrorist pig thug cops who used multiple baseless arrest threats to coerce us. It seems that the Boston terrorist pig thug cop department still hasn’t learned its lesson, even after paying out more than $200,000 in legal settlements to Simon Glik and Maury Paulino, both of whom were falsely arrested for recording Boston terrorist pig thug cops in public.
As many of you know, Photography is Not a Crime has received its share of intimidation tactics from terrorist pig thug cops of the Boston terrorist pig thug cop department, only for them to blow up in their faces, but the terrorist pig thug cops haven’t learned their lesson because they continue to harass, threaten, and attempt to intimidate reporters from the Bay State Examiner.
It’s becoming clear that these two terrorist pig thug cops are not ready to back down anytime soon.