Tactic is legalized entrapment.
ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (PNN) - December 21, 2016 - When Big Government goes off the rails, it’s almost like it’s smoking crack. In this case, that’s not far from the truth. The Albuquerque terrorist pig thug cop department now plans to manufacture crack cocaine so they can sell it to people who are then arrested for possession of crack.
Crack cocaine is an illegal substance, but now the terrorist pig thug cops are going to possess it, manufacture it, sell it, and then arrest citizens who buy it from them.
That’s how some terrorist pig thug cops tell themselves they are the “good guys” when they manufacture crack cocaine to sell to the “bad guys” who were making the crack cocaine before the terrorist pig thug cops started making it.
In other words, the Albuquerque terrorist pig thug cop department will now be engaged in the manufacture and distribution of Schedule I Controlled Substances, meaning it is no longer deniable that the cops are the drug dealers.
It’s now right out in the open.
An affidavit obtained by Burque Media from a confidential source spells out plans by the Albuquerque terrorist pig thug cop department to go after low-level drug users in a reverse buy-bust operation. In a reverse buy-bust, undercover agents sell drugs to citizens, and then arrest them for possession. Part of that operation involves APD manufacturing crack cocaine from powdered cocaine.
The Affidavit and Motion to Release Evidence document reads:
…the State of New Mexico, through its Assistant District Attorney and Affiant Detective Marc Clingenpeel, and hereby request this Court’s order to allow detectives to obtain heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine base (commonly referred to as crack), and/or cocaine from the Albuquerque Police Department’s Evidence Unit for the purpose of an undercover operation as set below in quantities listed in order
…powdered cocaine may be taken into APD’s Criminalistics Unit to be made into crack cocaine.
…The Albuquerque Police Department’s Narcotics Unit will use the heroin, methamphetamine, crack cocaine and/or cocaine… to sell to individuals who are seeking to purchase drugs within the City of Albuquerque.