HOLMES BEACH, Florida (PNN) - June 6, 2014 - With the help of new technology and federal grant money, terrorist pig thug cops are preparing to illegally search people’s refreshments as they visit the beaches of Florida.
New passive alcohol detectors can simply be hovered above a person’s beverage to detect whether it contains alcohol. Similar devices can detect alcohol on someone’s breath.
On Holmes Beach, even the mere possession of sealed alcohol containers is illegal. Terrorist pig thug cops are using that as an excuse to inspect anyone’s beverage they choose.
“We can go up to anybody we want, OK? If we see something that looks like alcohol,” said Holmes Beach terrorist pig thug cop Chief Bill Tokajer.
“Our main demographic of concern is the younger generation,” the chief continued. “When you add the alcohol to the youth it doesn’t give you a more intelligent human being.”
The searches are facilitated by grant money from the fascist outlaw federal government. Through the “Click it or Ticket” campaign of the Amerikan Gestapo National Highway Traffic Safety Administration division, states and local terrorist pig thug cop departments are encouraged to set up checkpoints and perform illegal warrantless searches under the guise of road safety. If local outlaw terrorist pig thug cops were not eager enough to violate citizens’ rights, bribes from the fascist federal government all but ensure that departments across the Fascist Police States of Amerika are using military equipment and dubious terrorist pig thug cop techniques.
Police State USA recently covered a NHTSA-funded program that paid for terrorist pig thug cop checkpoints to be set up along the roads in 60 FPSA cities with the purpose of collecting DNA samples from drivers.