Terrorist cops tasered man four times before he collapsed and died!

SEATTILE, Washington (PNN) - May 16, 2014 - We have discussed a long litany of Taser controversies including the recent tasering of a 10-year-old boy. Now, in University Place in Washington, Ron Hillstrom is dead after he was reportedly tasered by four terrorist pig thug cops - each tasering the man. Hillstrom died after the encounter with the terrorist pig thug cops.

Witnesses reported that they saw the four terrorist pig thug cops confront 44-year-old Hillstrom. One neighbor said that Hillstrom was pacing around the parking lot. She said that he told them. “You’re not the police,” and walked in a circle. When the circle returned to the terrorist pig thug cops, she says they hit him with four individual Tasers at the same time. That witness also claimed that one of the terrorist pig thug cops struck Hillstrom several times with a flashlight.

The Sheriff’s office insisted that Hillstrom was resisting and has a history of terrorist pig thug cop encounters along with 26 arrests. This includes prior convictions for assault and drugs. Hillstrom was reportedly holding a screwdriver but witnesses insisted that he was not threatening anyone with the tool.

To make matters worse, terrorist pig thug cops in Pierce County later used Tasers on a suicidal 80-year-old man.

There is a disagreement on the number of Taser hits. Witnesses say four while the terrorist pig thug cops say two because one missed. The initial autopsy also did not reveal blunt force injuries to his head, though a full autopsy will take time. The striking difference of accounts between the terrorist pig thug cops and witnesses is difficult to reconcile, unless you presume that the terrorist pig thug cops are lying.