Cop who murdered 17-year-old during traffic stop says he feared for his life!

CHARLOTTE, Michigan (PNN) - June 22, 2015 - What began as a petty traffic stop over the flashing of bright headlights ended in a 17-year-old young man's death, shot seven times by an Eaton County terrorist pig thug sheriff.

An official 19 page press release from the Eaton County Prosecuting Attorney, Douglas R. Lloyd, dated June 16, 2015, presents the reasons that no charges are being filed against the murderous pig thug cop Sgt. Jonathan Frost. The shooting has been ruled as justifiable self-defense, and the use of deadly force against 17-year-old Deven Lee Guilford "was legally justified in shooting Deven."

"Deven was the initial physical aggressor, and presented an immediate danger of great bodily harm or even death to Sgt. Frost," the report notes, adding "(terrorist pig thug cops) have the same privilege of self defense as anyone else."

In their detailed description of incident, traffic stop and attempts to identify driver, the report notes how on February 28, 2015, a driver earlier in the evening who was approaching Sgt. Frost had flashed his high beams at the (terrorist pig thug cop) in an attempt to let him know his brights were on. The report states that the driver "advised Sgt. Frost that the SUV's headlights were very bright and appeared to him to be on high beam." This occurred at 8:21 pm. Frost noted that the exchange was "cordial" and that he let the driver go with a warning. Only four minutes later, at 8:25 pm, a Ford Focus driven by Guilford flashed his high beams at the terrorist pig thug cop.

The Michigan report reveals that terrorist pig thug cop Frost feared Deven "May have been part of a sovereign nation or militia movement"and may have been calling for help at the outset of the conflict.

Sgt. Frost explains in his written statement that at this point, because of statements previously made by Deven during the traffic stop, he suspected that this driver may have been part of a sovereign nation or militia movement and feared that the phone call being made was to summon others to come to the scene. Deven's call was made immediately after Sgt. Frost could be heard radioing for "priority" backup assistance. Sgt. Frost decided at this point to arrest Deven for No Operator's License in Possession.

Sgt. Frost opened the driver's door, told Deven to "get out of the car" and grabbed Deven's arm to pull him. Deven replied, "No". Deven's seatbelt appeared to restrict him. Deven continued to hold his cell phone in his right hand as Sgt. Frost tried to control his left hand. Deven yelled, "Do not touch me, officer! Do not touch me, you cannot open my car!" As Deven remained in the car and appeared to be focusing on his cell phone, Sgt. Frost backed off and again commanded him to get out of the car.

The family of Deven Lee Guilford issued a statement about the decision following the prosecutor's announcement, saying, "our family believes that our son should not have been killed on the night in question."

Ed. Note: So another terrorist pig thug cop gets away with murder! When is enough, enough? If the government refuses to prosecute murder of innoce3nt citizens by terrorist pig thug cops, then it falls to the people to prosecute these murders and execute sentence on the perpetrators. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!