“Resist much, obey little!”
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (PNN) - March 13, 2023 - Tens of thousands of Dutch citizens came out to protest the WEF-inspired campaign against Dutch farmers on Saturday in The Hague, under the motto “Vote Them Out”. Local elections will be held on Wednesday, as the upstart Farmer’s Party BBB looks poised to trounce the ruling Party of RINO Prime Minister Mark Rutte.
The Dutch government has made itself the headquarters of the disastrous World Economic Forum Food Innovations Hub and wants to ban the use of nitrogen in fertilizer, thereby bankrupting thousands of Dutch farmers and expropriating their land; in some cases, even using that land to house illegal migrants instead.
The Dutch farmers are some of the best farmers in the world. The tiny country of The Netherlands has become the world’s second-largest agricultural exporter just behind the Fascist Police States of Amerika. The Netherlands is smaller than the state of West Virginia.
The protest was organized by Dutch Farmers Defense Force and Together for Netherlands, who wanted 5000 tractors to converge on the capital of The Hague in a show of solidarity. Four days before the protest, the mayor of The Hague, Jan Van Zanen, limited the number to two tractors and threatened to call in the Army against his own people. Nonetheless, Saturday’s protest was a peaceful, joyous, family-friendly affair. The Dutch and international media completely ignored it or smeared the citizens as “far-Right”, proving once again they are the enemy of the people.
In her rousing speech, Dutch activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek said, “Our country was born out of resistance against tyranny, against Spanish tyranny. Now, almost five centuries later, we are again fighting against tyranny, against a corrupt and unjust government that excludes dissidents and drives our farmers from their land. Back then, this injustice came from Madrid. Now it comes from right here in The Hague; and that is the worst kind of injustice. Our government has launched an attack on our own people, on one of the hardest-working, most successful and inspiring groups or all, the farmers and citizens of The Netherlands.”
“For centuries, our farmers have supplied food for millions of people worldwide,” said Vlaardingerbroek, “and unlike what the liars in the capital are claiming, they do so in a sustainable and responsible manner, with great respect for God’s creation. But of course, that’s not what worries our government. Our government doesn’t care about nature, about the people, or the farmers. Our government has created a lie to drive the farmers from their land. Everything you farmers own, everything you worked so hard for your entire lives, they think they can just take it away from you. You want to know what I call them? I call them common thieves and let me tell you: We do not negotiate with thieves. We do not negotiate with people who abuse our farmers and drive them to despair, who are waging a war against our farmers.”
“Unfortunately, it is not just our government, but also the so-called opposition that claim to be fighting for the farmers but aren’t here today to stand with them,” said Vlaardingerbroek. “They should be ashamed of themselves; because if now is not the time to fight back, when is?”
“The destruction of our nation and our democracy must stop,” added Vlaardingerbroek. ”You, the Dutch Farmers, are the only ones with enough courage and manpower to put up a real fight against our terrible government. You are our last hope, the last hope for our beautiful country; and that’s exactly the reason they want you gone. But we will fight them, and they will fight us. They will stop at nothing, and of course their lackeys in mainstream media will do everything they can to demonize our farmers and all of us. But we know better. That’s why we stand firmly behind our farmers. Because we know when they’re done with them, we’re next; and that’s why we will not let this happen. We say no to globalism, no to the sell-out of our country, and we say no to this government. Long live the Dutch Farmers.”
Even Elon Musk chimed in, asking Vlaardingerbroek, “What rules do you want the government to change?”