Tennessee government seeks to interrogate every child monthly!

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (PNN) - August 31, 2020 - In August, the Tennessee Department of Education unveiled an invasive new plan to check up on every child in the state. The invasive new plan sends fascist government bureaucrats to each home to conduct monthly interviews with each child. These child wellbeing checks enlist community stakeholders to interrogate each child in the community, preferably without parents present, to make sure that parents are properly caring for their children.

“Since we know many children have experienced adversity due to the pandemic, child wellbeing checks are a deliberate way all stakeholders in the community can help ensure the needs of our children are met,” said Penny Schwinn, the commissioner of the unconstitutional and invasive new plan.

The Tennessee Department of Education put together a task force to verify the well being [of children] and identify needs of all Tennessee children including those who are home schooled, those who attend private schools, those who participate in online learning, and those who attend the public school system.

The task force calls on communities to come together to check on the children and support the holistic needs of the children. Holistic needs were not defined by the government’s guidance.

The task force wants to train and develop an army of fascist bureaucrats to check in on children every month in order to sell government services to families. These services include food, transportation, “devices”, and hygiene procedures. Most notably, the fascist bureaucrats would be tasked with evaluating the “mental health” of the child, which opens the door to the administration of psychiatric drugs and other behavioral modifications. These outlaw bureaucrats also want to make sure the children are getting every single vaccine recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, even though massive amounts of empirical evidence show that vaccines do more harm than good to their recipients.

By letting these bureaucrats into the home, parents are giving away their parental rights and surrendering their parental sovereignty to the State. If one of these bureaucrats identifies a need, a parent will be pushed into a corner to comply with an order, or he/she might be turned in for neglect or abuse. According to the task force, these fascist bureaucrats will gauge general stress levels and could alert authorities to households that do not operate to proper standards or fit the criteria that the State is seeking. The government can then build a case that a child is in a dangerous environment, and the parents could lose custody of their own children. If the parent disagrees with the assessment, he/she could be labeled difficult or uncooperative and could find himself/herself at the mercy of the Child Protective Services, a corrupt agency that has used the accusation of medical neglect countless times to kidnap children from parents’ custody and relocate them into environments from which they have been subjected to abuse and even child trafficking.

The invasive new plan did not go over well with most Tennessee families. After public outcry, the Tennessee Department of Education withdrew the commission, but they also promised to revise it.

Education expert and former Tennessee County Commissioner Karen Bracken said, “No matter what warm and fuzzy words you wrap around this policy it is a total violation of our constitutional rights and an overreach into an area in which they have no authority. It is felt they are using COVID as the excuse to implement a plan that has been in the works for quite some time.”