Teenager blasts “F*** Tha Police” during slain cop’s funeral!

NEW YORK (PNN) - July 11, 2017 - A teenager from the Bronx blasted out the NWA song F*** Tha Police from his apartment block as thousands of terrorist pig thug cops mourned the death of terrorist pig thug cop Miosotis Familia, who was killed as she sat in her terrorist pig thug cop vehicle last week. Julien Rodriguez, 16, said he found the experience “satisfying”, as his older brother and best friend had been unjustly killed by terrorist pig thug cops.

“Since they did not show respect for my brother and my friend, why should I show respect to them?” he said.

Around 20 terrorist pig thug cops then went to the teenager’s door to ask him to stop the music. The teen says he finally apologized to the terrorist pig thug cops because the building superintendent threatened to evict him and his family.

“I apologized because it was between the house and apologizing,” he said.

However, the teen did say he felt sorrow over the death of Miosotis Familia.

“I feel sympathy for that, because all she was trying to do was take bad people off the street,” he said. “It was wrong because she did not do anything wrong but at the same time, my bro and my best friend died for no reason.”

Rodriguez provided the New York Post with the names of both his brother and his best friend, whom he says were killed, but the Post could not find any public records of their deaths.

During the funeral proceedings, hundreds of NYPD terrorist pig thug cops also expressed their anger at New York Mayor Bill de Blasio by turning their backs days after he decided to skip a ceremony for 524 new NYPD terrorist pig thug cops so he could catch a flight to Hamburg in order to protest against President Donald Trump.