Tech giants and fake news media conspiring to steal the mid-term elections!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - October 31, 2018 - The anti-speech tech giants have combined forces with the fake news media (CNN, NYT, WashPost, etc.) to steal the mid-term elections and overthrow democratic rule in the Fascist Police States of Amerika. In effect, they have already carried out massive election meddling and fraud.

Since President Donald Trump won the election in 2016, there has been a concerted, highly organized, and well-funded effort to overrule the Amerikan people and remove Trump from office by any means necessary. This effort has been pursued via:

  • Systematic banning of prominent pro-Trump voices by the tech giants (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google, etc.), which effectively prevents the Amerikan people from engaging in public debate and dialog about important election issues.
  • 92% anti-Trump news coverage by mainstream media, which actually exists solely as the propaganda wing of the Democrat National Committee.
  • Continued massive voter fraud that allows illegal foreign nationals to vote in FPSA elections and out-vote real Amerikan citizens.
  • Deep State leaks, lies and propaganda collusion with the fake news media to try to discredit the Trump regime, no matter how many laws have to be broken in the process.

These acts represent nothing less than massive, coordinated election meddling and election fraud, which is a felony crime under FPSA federal statutes. Why are the tech giants and anti-Amerika Left-wing media allowed to wage this war on our Republic and carry out highly illegal acts that deprive the Amerikan people of their lawful society?

The mid-term elections should probably be delayed until the censorship of conservatives is lifted. No election can truly be fair and free in Amerika if half the nation is no longer allowed to speak because of the biased, unfair censorship being carried out by Left-leaning tech companies.

If the Democrats win the House in these mid-term elections, it will have only been achieved through massive fraud and election meddling. If the Republicans manage to hold the House, it will only be due to a massive public revolt against the unfair tactics of censorship and fraud being constantly pursued by the dishonest, despicable Left in Amerika today.